Migration from org.joda.time.Interval in Spring Boot

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-07-10 06:33:33


I used to apply org.joda.time.Interval to represent a time interval with fixed start and end times (different from a duration which is independent from specific times) to exchange via REST and store energy schedules in a Spring Boot server application (2.2.2.RELEASE).

I tried different ways to store a org.joda.time.Interval field of an object via JPA/Hibernate:

  • jadira (7.0.0.CR1) with annotation above the field definition (@Type(type = "org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentInterval"))
  • jadira (7.0.0.CR1) with property spring.jpa.properties.jadira.usertype.autoRegisterUserTypes=true set

However, I always get

@OneToOne or @ManyToOne on de.iwes.enavi.cim.schedule51.Schedule_MarketDocument.matching_Time_Period_timeInterval references an unknown entity: org.joda.time.Interval


  1. Is there a way to get hibernate working with org.joda.time.Interval?
  2. What is the preferred solution to migrate from org.joda.time.Interval as java.time does not have a similar interval class?


I ended up writing a custom class:

public class FInterval {

    private long id;

    private long startMillis;

    private long endMillis;

    public FInterval() {

    public long getStartMillis() {
        return startMillis;

    public void setStartMillis(long start) {
        this.startMillis = start;

    public long getEndMillis() {
        return endMillis;

    public void setEndMillis(long end) {
        this.endMillis = end;

    public FInterval(Interval entity) {
            this.startMillis = entity.getStartMillis();
            this.endMillis = entity.getEndMillis();

    public Interval getInterval() {
        return new Interval(this.startMillis,this.endMillis);

and an attribute converter:

@Converter(autoApply = true)
public class IntervalAttributeConverter implements AttributeConverter<Interval, FInterval> {

    public FInterval convertToDatabaseColumn(Interval attribute) {
        return new FInterval(attribute);

    public Interval convertToEntityAttribute(FInterval dbData) {
        return dbData.getInterval();

