Suppose I have a simple makefile like:
echo "hello world"
echo "bye bye"
Then in bash I want something like:
make h < tab >
so it can complete to
make hello
I found a simple way like creating empty files hello
and bye
but I'm looking for something more sophisticated.
Could this be what you're looking for?
make [Tab] would complete on all targets in Makefile. This project was conceived to produce programmable completion routines for the most common Linux/UNIX commands, reducing the amount of typing sysadmins and programmers need to do on a daily basis.
Add this in your ~/.bash_profile file or ~/.bashrc file
complete -W "\`grep -oE '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+:([^=]|$)' ?akefile | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$//'\`" make
This searches for a target in your Makefile titled 'Makefile' or 'makefile' (note the capital ?
wildcard in ?akefile
) using grep, and pipes it over to the complete
command in bash which is used to specify how arguments are autocompleted. The -W
flag denotes that the input to the complete
command will be a wordlist which is accomplished by passing the results of grep through sed
which arranges it into the desirable wordlist format.
Caveats and gotchas:
Your make file is named 'GNUMakefile' or anything else other than 'Makefile' or 'makefile'. If you frequently encounter such titles consider changing the regular expression
accordingly.Forgetting to source your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file after making the changes. I add this seemingly trivial detail since, to the uninitiated it is unfamiliar. For any change to your bash files to take effect, source them using the command
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
PS. You also now have the added ability to display the possible make targets by pressing [Tab] twice just like in bash completion. Just make sure you add a space after the command make before typing [Tab] twice.
There's a useful package called bash-completion available for most every OS. It includes Makefile completion.
(If you're using macOS and Homebrew, you can get this via brew install bash-completion
This seems to be default in at least Debian Lenny:
$ grep Makefile /etc/bash_completion
# make reads `GNUmakefile', then `makefile', then `Makefile'
elif [ -f ${makef_dir}/Makefile ]; then
# before we scan for targets, see if a Makefile name was
# deal with included Makefiles
The header of this file states:
# The latest version of this software can be obtained here:
# http://bash-completion.alioth.debian.org/
# RELEASE: 20080617.5
Here is a completion script that looks at the .PHONY: declaration.
_make_phony_words() {
local opt_revert
if [ -n "${BASH_VERSION:-}" ]; then
shopt -q nullglob || {
opt_revert=1 ; shopt -s nullglob ;
elif [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ]; then
[[ -o nullglob ]] || {
opt_revert=1 ; setopt nullglob
for f in ./?akefile ./*.make ; do
sed -nEe '/^.PHONY/ { s/^.PHONY:[ ]?// ; p ; } ' "$f" | tr ' ' $'\n' | sort -u
if [ -n "$opt_revert" ]; then
[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ] && unsetopt nullglob
[ -n "${BASH_VERSION:-}" ] && shopt -u nullglob
unset opt_revert
_make_phony_complete() {
local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
COMPREPLY+=( $(compgen -W "$( _make_phony_words )" -- ${cur}) )
complete -F _make_phony_complete make
In Ubuntu 10.04, source the following file:
. /etc/bash_completion
or uncomment it in