I am trying to run Aleph on top of Ring and use lein ring server
for shorter feedback loop.
When I'm invoking lein ring server
everything seems to be fine but when I point my browser to an url I get a nasty NullPointerException
with the stack trace below.
However, when I run (al.app/start 3006)
then no NLP
shows up.
The whole project is available on GitHub.
What am I doing wrong?
core.clj:107 lamina.core/enqueue
app.clj:39 al.app/hello-handler
http.clj:79 aleph.http/wrap-aleph-handler[fn]
response.clj:27 compojure.response/eval1328[fn]
response.clj:10 compojure.response/eval1289[fn]
core.clj:93 compojure.core/make-route[fn]
core.clj:39 compojure.core/if-route[fn]
I am using aleph 0.3.2 and that's my code:
(ns al.app
(:require [compojure.route :as route]))
(defn hello-handler
"Our handler for the /hello path"
[ch request]
(let [params (:route-params request)
name (params :name)]
(enqueue ch
{:status 200
:headers {}
:body (str "Hello " name)})))
(defroutes my-routes
(GET ["/hello/:name", :name #"[a-zA-Z]+"] {} (wrap-aleph-handler hello-handler))
(route/not-found "Page not found"))
(defn start
"Start our server in the specified port"
(start-http-server (wrap-ring-handler my-routes) {:port port}))
The Lein-Ring plugin uses an embedded Jetty web server, while Aleph uses the asynchronous Netty web server. The aleph.http/wrap-aleph-handler
middleware is designed only to work with a Netty server started with aleph.http/start-http-server