I have deployed my angular 2 project to my github user page via angular CLI. I tried out the steps from official angular 2 cli page. However when I try to access the github url it shows the contents of readme file. Both the user page and user-page/baseUrl does the same.
I have used routing which works in the local environment. I’m not sure if I should modify the production environment variables or baseUrl.
Link to the repository: https://github.com/nirmalks/nirmalks.github.io
You should commit dist/ folder generated by ng build
in master branch of your repo. As I can see you have your angular source code commited there. Unfortunatey you cannot keep your source code in your master branch.
the complete commit command with ngh will be ng build --prod --base-href="YOUR_GITHUB_USER_NAME.github.io"
and then ngh --message="MESSAGE" --branch="master"
I have published the same in my repo you can check my website
Also, the source code repo is this
Step 1:
First install the angular-cli-ghpages globally:
$ npm install -g angular-cli-ghpages
build your project and set the correct base href location:
ng build --prod --base-href="https://user-name.github.io/repo/"
$ ngh
Step 2: In github.com --> Go to your repp --> Setting --> Choose publish with gh-pages branch ==> Save
Step 3: You need to run ng server in terminal to start your local project.
Step 4: And then come back to https://username.github.io/project/"
Because you're using a user/organisation repository of the form username.github.io github automatically publish your master branch, it is also using the readme file as an index.
If you want to publish your gh-pages branch, you need to go in your repository settings and change source branch in the github pages tab to gh-pages
Deploy Angular with GitHub pages
First install angular-cli-ghpages globally
npm install -g angular-cli-ghpages
Angular CLI with the --base-href
ng build --prod --base-href="https://<user-name>.github.io/<repo>/"
To publish the app
just try on git you will be satisfied
when you install the npm install -g angular-cli-ghpages
that time github created a gh-pages branch in your repository, you need to only select that gh-pages branch option
Go to your repp → Setting → GitHub Pages &rarrl select gh-pages branch
1. Create Github repo
If you had not created a Github repository prior to this, go ahead and create a repo in your Github account. After creating the repo, commit all your changes and push them to the repository you have created.
If you had created your repo prior to this, also commit and push all your changes to your Github repository.
2. Install angular-cli-ghpages
$ npm i angular-cli-ghpages --save-dev
if you hadn't installed angular-cli-ghpages.
3. Run build
$ ng build --prod --base-href "https://GithubUserName.github.io/GithubRepoName/"
4. Deploy to gh-pages
$ npx angular-cli-ghpages --dir=dist/Project-name
Make sure you put the name of the project in the place of Project-name.You can find this in the angular.json file under defaultProject which is at the bottom of the file.
Now if you visit https://GithubUserName.github.io/GithubRepoName/ you should see your application running remotely,which means it has successfully been published on gh-pages.