For example, the following URL shows the app in a tab:
But when on a mobile device it redirects to the mobile site and does not show the tab or even have a link to it:
I even have the application tab set as the Default Landing Tab for this page, but cannot get the pap to show for the page. Is there another format we need to develop for the App to support mobile? Ideally we would like to show the tab on iPhone app and other mobile viewing.
There's not currently any way to see App-provided Page tabs on the site
Mobile web apps are supported, but they're not tied to the Page and need to be manually linked-to or bookmarked, the tab functionality simply doesn't exist now.
If you're in control of the link the user clicks on to reach your fanpage/pagetab-combination, then try adding a GET parameter ref=ts
Apparently this prevents the redirect to the mobile version of facebook.
Currently you can develop application functions such as app authorisation but sadly no, you can't display standard iFramed tab apps, I suspect this is because of slow 3G data speeds and the fact that Facebook wouldn't want the mobile experience being any slower than it already is (dependent on external hosting etc).
Many of my larger clients are begging for it. The only workaround I use is to build an external page with the same content used in the iFrame - then you can direct users to the tab or mobile users to an external link.
as of now ref=page_internal is working as a work around.
You can redirect Mobile users to a specific mobile website, and have desktop users redirected to your page tab app.
Detailed instructions for doing this are available here: