Discord.js not writing data to .json file

早过忘川 提交于 2020-06-01 06:22:11


This is my ban command, im trying to export the code to work within a command handler. Iv had numerous issues with this command but eventually i have almost everything working. The code runs perfectly until the point where it should write to .json file (I changed the .json directory to make sure it was being found, and it threw an error so the previous line of code is definitely running, and its finding the .json). Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you

I have also tried replacing this line

let bannedIDs = require('../../bannedIDs.json').ids || []


let file = fs.readFileSync('../../bannedIDs.json')
let bannedIDs = JSON.parse(file).ids || []

still results in no data being written to the .json

const { RichEmbed } = require("discord.js");
const fs = require('fs');

module.exports = {
  config: {
    name: "ban",
    description: "Bans a user from the guild!",
    usage: "!ban",
    category: "moderation",
    accessableby: "Administrators",
    aliases: ["b", "banish", "remove"]
  run: async (bot, message, args) => {

    if (!message.member.hasPermission(["BAN_MEMBERS", "ADMINISTRATOR"])) return message.channel.send("You do not have permission to perform this command!");

    const user1 = message.mentions.users.first();
    let member = message.mentions.members.first();

    if (member) {

      const member = message.mentions.members.first();

      let reason = args.slice(2).join(' ');
      var user = message.mentions.users.first();

      member.ban({ reason: `${args.slice(2).join(' ')}` }).then(() => {
        let uEmbed = new RichEmbed()
          .setTitle('**' + `Sucessfully Banned ${user1.tag}!` + '**')
          .setFooter('Requested by ' + message.author.tag, 'https://i.gyazo.com/8988806671312f358509cf0fd69341006.jpg');

      }).catch(err => {
        message.channel.send('I was unable to kick the member');
    } else {
      const PREFIX = '!';

      let args = message.content.substring(PREFIX.length).split(" ");

      let user = message.mentions.users.first(),
        userID = user ? user.id : args[1];

      if (isNaN(args[1])) return message.channel.send("You need to enter a vlaid @Member or UserID #");

      if (args[1].length <= 17 || args[1].length >= 19) return message.channel.send("UserID # must be 18 Digits");

      if (userID) {
        let bannedIDs = require('../../bannedIDs.json').ids || [];

        if (!bannedIDs.includes(userID)) bannedIDs.push(userID);

        fs.writeFileSync('../../bannedIDs.json', JSON.stringify({ ids: bannedIDs }));
        let reason = args.slice(2).join(' ');

        let uEmbed = new RichEmbed()
          .setTitle('**' + `UserID #${args[1]}\n Will be Banned on Return!` + '**')
          .setFooter('Requested by ' + message.author.tag, 'https://i.gyazo.com/8988806671312f358509cf0fd69341006.jpg');
        let reason1 = args.slice(2).join(' ');
      } else {



require('../../bannedIDs.json').ids || [] I'm guessing why this doesn't work is because if require(...) doesn't exist, you wouldn't be able to access .id, this is a common thing in js which you can usually just do obj && obj.property or with babel obj?.property

This is personally how I would do it

let file = require('../../bannedIDs.json') || { ids: [userID] };
const bannedIDs = file.bannedIDs;

if (!bannedIDs.includes(userID)) bannedIDs.push(userID);

fs.writeFile('../../bannedIDs.json', JSON.stringify(file));

Also you can just do

const collection = await <Guild>.fetchBans();
const ids = collection.map(e => e.user.id).array();

To get a list of banned users or Ids

