
Discord JS // Trying to add role by reacting to the message

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-08-09 07:28:48
问题 bot.on('messageReactionAdd', async (reaction, user) => { // Define the emoji user add let role = message.guild.roles.find(role => === 'Alerts'); if ( !== 'alerts') return message.reply(':x: You must go to the channel #alerts'); message.member.addRole(role); }); Thats the part of my bot.js. I want the user to react in a certain channel and receive role Alerts 回答1: You haven't really stated what the problem is, what works and what doesn't work but I'll take a wild

how to upload multiple files with flask_restful?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-07-16 04:42:07
问题 I'm trying upload multiple files with flask_restful, but can't get the files name list in the arguments except the first file name, how can i get the files list with args? here is my code, from models import Server import werkzeug from werkzeug import secure_filename from settings import upload_folder,allowed_extensions,currentWorkingPath,os,sys,reqparse,Resource from settings import fields,marshal_with,abort from settings import redirect, url_for ''' #########################################

Discord.js not writing data to .json file

早过忘川 提交于 2020-06-01 06:22:11
问题 This is my ban command, im trying to export the code to work within a command handler. Iv had numerous issues with this command but eventually i have almost everything working. The code runs perfectly until the point where it should write to .json file (I changed the .json directory to make sure it was being found, and it threw an error so the previous line of code is definitely running, and its finding the .json). Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you I have also tried replacing

Python 3.5 TypeError: got multiple values for argument [duplicate]

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-30 05:04:29
问题 This question already has answers here : TypeError: got multiple values for argument (6 answers) Closed 3 years ago . def f(a, b, *args): return (a, b, args) f(a=3, b=5) (3, 5, ()) whereas: f(a=3, b=5, *[1,2,3]) TypeError: got multiple values for argument 'b' Why it behaves like this? Any particular reason? 回答1: In the documentation for calls: If the syntax *expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to an iterable. Elements from these iterables are treated as if they

Python 3.5 TypeError: got multiple values for argument [duplicate]

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-01-30 05:03:26
问题 This question already has answers here : TypeError: got multiple values for argument (6 answers) Closed 3 years ago . def f(a, b, *args): return (a, b, args) f(a=3, b=5) (3, 5, ()) whereas: f(a=3, b=5, *[1,2,3]) TypeError: got multiple values for argument 'b' Why it behaves like this? Any particular reason? 回答1: In the documentation for calls: If the syntax *expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to an iterable. Elements from these iterables are treated as if they