recursive sum of all the digits in a number

三世轮回 提交于 2020-05-15 21:49:10


I am stuck in this exercise.


A digital root is the recursive sum of all the digits in a number. Given n, take the sum of the digits of n. If that value has more than one digit, continue reducing in this way until a single-digit number is produced. This is only applicable to the natural numbers.

Here's how it works:

1 + 6 = 7

9 + 4 + 2 = 15 ... 1 + 5 =6

My approach is here. Any tips on how to properly return correct value? I would appreciate any help.

def digital_root(n):
    answ = 0
    s = 0
    x = str(n)

    for i in range(0, len(x)):
        s = s + int(x[i])
    if len(str(s)) > 1:
    elif len(str(s)) == 1:
        answ = s # here is an answer
        return answ # answer is 2 but this one is not returning 2, why?

    return answ # here it returns answ=0, I want to return 2...



The main problem is that, when doing the recursive calls, you're not assigning the return value to anything, so you'll always get 0 for any value that requires more than one pass.

Also, after the recursive call, the length should be 1 so the following elif is not necessary and will cause incorrect return values since it won't be assigning s to answ

Fixed version:

def digital_root(n):
    answ = 0
    s = 0
    x = str(n)
    for i in range(0, len(x)):
        s = s + int(x[i])
    if len(str(s)) > 1:
       s = digital_root(s)
    answ = s # You could even return s directly
    return answ



What do you say about this:

def digital_root(n):
    if n<10 :
         return n
    return digital_root( n%10 + digital_root( n//10 ) )


Here is my take on it. I felt the urge to use sum but that almost feels like cheating since you could just use sum([int(i) for i in str(n)]).

def digital_root(n):
    # convert to a string
    as_str = str(n)

    # get the value of the current first digit
    value = int(as_str[0])

    if len(as_str) > 1:
        # add the recursive return plus the value
        # for anything other than our base case.
        # pass the rest of the digits into our recursive call
        return digital_root(int(as_str[1:])) + value

    # our base case
    return value



You do nothing with the result of your recursive call - thats why your code goes wrong.

Iterating via index is mostly not good - better iterate over the string directly.

This is a cleaner way for recursion using some built in python functions:

def rec_sum(n):
    sn = str(n)
    # base case - return the number
    if len(sn)==1:
        return n

    # not the base case,return whatever the recursive output returns
    return rec_sum(sum(map(int,sn)))

for n in range(1,71):
    print(f"{n:3}=>{rec_sum(n):3}", end = "|")
    if n%7 == 0:


  1=>  1|  2=>  2|  3=>  3|  4=>  4|  5=>  5|  6=>  6|  7=>  7|
  8=>  8|  9=>  9| 10=>  1| 11=>  2| 12=>  3| 13=>  4| 14=>  5|
 15=>  6| 16=>  7| 17=>  8| 18=>  9| 19=>  1| 20=>  2| 21=>  3|
 22=>  4| 23=>  5| 24=>  6| 25=>  7| 26=>  8| 27=>  9| 28=>  1|
 29=>  2| 30=>  3| 31=>  4| 32=>  5| 33=>  6| 34=>  7| 35=>  8|
 36=>  9| 37=>  1| 38=>  2| 39=>  3| 40=>  4| 41=>  5| 42=>  6|
 43=>  7| 44=>  8| 45=>  9| 46=>  1| 47=>  2| 48=>  3| 49=>  4|
 50=>  5| 51=>  6| 52=>  7| 53=>  8| 54=>  9| 55=>  1| 56=>  2|
 57=>  3| 58=>  4| 59=>  5| 60=>  6| 61=>  7| 62=>  8| 63=>  9|
 64=>  1| 65=>  2| 66=>  3| 67=>  4| 68=>  5| 69=>  6| 70=>  7|

The part sum(map(int,sn)) means: map(function,iterable) applies the int()-function to all characters in sn (strings are iterable) which is the string of your number. Then it sum()s it up and calls itself with that sum.


With recursive functions, it's generally a good idea to start with the most basic case and then incrementally add complexity.

Additionally, a trick that's useful is that taking list() of a string cuts the string into characters, ergo list("abc") returns ["a", "b", "c"].

Using this, we get:

def digital_root(n):
    # basic scenario: n is 1 digit, ergo <10. 
    if n < 10:
         return n

    # alternative case: more than 1 digit
    # cut n into digits with a list comprehension
    # str(714) => "714", list(str(714)) => "['7', '1', '4']
    digits = [int(c) for c in list(str(n))]

    # take the digital root of the sum
    return digital_root(sum(digits))

