This link shows how pdf
s could be converted to images. Is there a way to zoom my pdf
s before converting to images? In my project, i am converting pdf
s to png
s and then using Python-tesseract
library to extract text. I noticed that if I zoom pdf
s and then save parts as png
s then OCR provides much better results. So is there a way to zoom pdfs before converting to pngs?
I think that raising the quality (resolution) of your image is a better solution than zooming into the pdf.
using pdf2image
you can accomplish this quite easily:
install pdf2image: pip install pdf2image
then, in python, convert your pdf into a high quality image:
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
pages = convert_from_path('sample.pdf', 400) #400 is the Image quality in DPI (default 200)
by playing around with the quality parameter you should get the result you desider