
dllimport /dllexport and static libraries compilation under visual c++

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-08 19:55:35
问题 I desperatly need your help. Im trying to compile statically the poppler library (specially for qt4) on windows with the visual c++ 2008 compiler. To achieve this task I needed to compile a bunch of other libraries as dependencies for poppler statically too. When I finally generate the static version of poppler I got a linking error when building my app: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport)... I already added the new include path and linked the poppler-qt4.lib but

How to preview pdf using active storage and poppler?

柔情痞子 提交于 2021-01-29 09:24:08
问题 I'm trying to display a preview of the uploaded pdf in my application but all I get so far is a broken image. I have installed the poppler gem as suggested in the active storage presentation for preview. Then i tried different ways but all are returning a broken image. <%= link_to bank.rib, rails_blob_path(bank.rib, disposition: "preview") %> or <%= image_tag bank.rib %> or where ' rib ' being the attached file ( has_one ) of the model BankAccount (here bank = BankAccount.find(id) ) bank.rib

Create executable for Windows from python codebase that needs poppler

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-01-29 09:00:32
问题 I am using pdf2image in my code that in turn needs PATH to have the /bin folder of the Poppler binaries. I will need this in the PATH even after I create an executable that can run on Windows. Pyinstaller is great but does not support poppler yet. How do I go about packaging this? 回答1: Try pyinstaller --add-binary 'path\to\poppelr' script_name.py The --add-binary flag points pyinstaller to the binary location so it can include it. edit 2 Use the os module to add to SYSTEM PATH . I am using


↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-01-26 10:27:37
来源:早起Python 作者:陈熹、刘早起 有时我们需要将一份或者多份PDF文件中的图片提取出来,如果采取在线的网站实现的话又担心图片泄漏,手动操作又觉得麻烦,其实用Python也可以轻松搞定! 今天就跟大家系统分享几种 Python提取 PDF 图片的方法 。其实没有非常完美的方法,每种方法提取效率都不是百分之百,因此可以考虑用多种方法进行互补,主要将涉及: 基于 fitz 库和正则搜索提取图片 基于 pdf2image 库的两种方法提取图片 1.基于 fitz 库和正则搜索 fitz 是 pymupdf 的子模块,需要先用命令行安装 pymupdf : pip install pymupdf 但注意导入时使用 import fitz 导入模块! 下面的代码就利用 fitz 库提取图片需要通过正则匹配图片元素,将模板元素转化为像素后再以图片形式写出 import fitz import re import os file_path = r'C:\xxx\xxx.pdf' # PDF 文件路径 dir_path = r'C:\xxx' # 存放图片的文件夹 def pdf2image1(path, pic_path): checkIM = r"/Subtype(?= */Image)" pdf = fitz.open(path) lenXREF = pdf.

Installing Poppler for PDF text extraction

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-12-13 03:47:30
问题 I am trying to follow this blog in trying to extract text from an invoice pdf file. My text extraction requires extraction specific fields of the invoice. https://kaijento.github.io/2017/03/27/pdf-scraping-gwinnetttaxcommissioner.publicaccessnow.com/#pdftotext I have tried pdfminer, textract but they all extract the text as jumbled and its difficult to extract text after that. I came across Poppler package download below: https://poppler.freedesktop.org/releases.html Looks like its a .tar