Is there a class for encoding a local time of week in Java?

a 夏天 提交于 2020-05-13 04:35:00


I'm wanting to create a schedule that wraps around week by week.

Because the schedule is the same from one week to the next, the only information I need to store is the day of the week, and the time it occurs. eg. Monday 2:30pm. The actual date isn't important, nor is time zone.

So far I've been writing my code with the day and time separate, using the DayOfWeek enum and the LocalTime type to work with times. But I've started to run into issues with using two variables to manage time instead of just a single convenient type like DateTime. eg. if I want to get a time 3 hours after 11pm on Tuesday, I can use the method to get 2am, but this doesn't account for the day rollover, and I'd have to check and update that separately.

I also want to make sure that whatever solution I have wraps around from the end of week to the start: eg. 5hrs after Sunday 10pm should be Monday 3am.

Is there a class like this that exists in the JDK or is it easy enough to define your own time types? Or would it just be better to work something out using the LocalDateTime that java provides, and ignore the date component somehow?


There is no such built-in class within the JDK, but it should be not too hard to create such a class yourself.

I think you are on the good track with using LocalTime and DayOfWeek. Make sure to write a class which wraps these two components, and then add methods to add time units to the wrapper object.

One of the methods could look like something like this:

public WeekDayTime plusHours(int hours) {
    int plusDays = (hours / 24);
    int plusHours = hours % 24;
    if (this.time.getHours() + plusHours >= 24) {
        plusHours -= 24;
    DayOfWeek newDayOfWeek = ...; // Calculate the day of week somehow
    LocalTime newTime = this.time.plusHours(plusHours);
    return new WeekDayTime(newDayOfWeek, newTime);

Alternatively, you could also wrap a LocalDateTime and just hide the date component. This will save you from implementing those calculations. But then make sure you implement for instance the equals method correctly.


The correct Answer by MC Emperor inspired me to take the next step, devising a DayOfWeekTime class that more flexibly does date-time method by accepting the more general Period & Duration class objects rather than just a number of hours.

I leveraged the existing java.time classes as much as possible. I followed the naming conventions of java.time. And I emulated the functionality of java.time.

For strings, I looked to the ISO 8601 standard used by java.time. Unfortunately, the standard does not address the day-of-week with time-of-day concept. The standard does have an idea of week of year, noted with a W followed by a number from 1-52 or 1-53. For a particular day of a particular week, the standard append a hyphen with a number 1-7 for Monday-Sunday. So I followed that pattern for my toString and parse methods. I start with a W, omit any week number, follow with a hyphen and a day-of-week number 1-7. I append a T as a separator, following the lead of the standard. Then append the time-of-day in 24-hour clock with padding zero for hour and minute. For example, the date-time of 2020-04-27T13:00-04:00[America/Montreal] produces W-7T19:46:40.937485.

This code has been only barely tested. Use at your own risk.

package work.basil.example;

import java.time.*;
import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjusters;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;

// Revised 2020-04-27. Fixed bug where the plus & minus methods adjusted from baseline by time-of-day but not day-of-week. Fixed.

public class DayOfWeekTime
    // ----------|  Fields  |------------------------------------------

    private DayOfWeek dayOfWeek;
    private LocalTime localTime;

    // ----------|  Statics  |------------------------------------------

    // We do the date-time math by picking a date arbitrarily to use as a `LocalDateTime`.
    // For convenience, we might as well pick a year that starts on a Monday.
    // Let us go with 2001-01-01.
    static private LocalDateTime BASELINE = LocalDateTime.of( 2001 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 );

    // ----------|  Constructor  |------------------------------------------

    private DayOfWeekTime ( final DayOfWeek dayOfWeek , final LocalTime localTime )
        Objects.requireNonNull( dayOfWeek , "Received a null argument. Message # e3e04fde-d96a-41d8-a4e7-c2b4f2f5634b." );
        Objects.requireNonNull( localTime , "Received a null argument. Message # 97ccf27a-6c05-402a-a4aa-0a48bcff62c2." );
        this.dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek;
        this.localTime = localTime;

    // ----------|  Factory  |------------------------------------------

    static public DayOfWeekTime of ( final DayOfWeek dayOfWeek , final LocalTime localTime )
        Objects.requireNonNull( dayOfWeek , "Received a null argument. Message # ecfe6bf6-de34-4f63-9a3e-d04cd70e721f." );
        Objects.requireNonNull( localTime , "Received a null argument. Message # 83020094-409d-40e1-8dc3-12592eea1b81." );
        return new DayOfWeekTime( dayOfWeek , localTime );

    static public DayOfWeekTime now ( ZoneId zoneId )
        Objects.requireNonNull( zoneId , "Received null argument for time zone. Message # 6044dd82-3616-40a6-8ac2-52581e12e60f." );
        ZonedDateTime now = zoneId );
        DayOfWeek dow = now.getDayOfWeek();
        LocalTime lt = now.toLocalTime();
        DayOfWeekTime dayOfWeekTime = DayOfWeekTime.of( dow , lt );
        return dayOfWeekTime;

    // ----------|  Duration  |------------------------------------------
    public DayOfWeekTime plus ( final Duration duration )
        Objects.requireNonNull( duration , "Received a null argument. Message # cf60bd16-3992-4779-a621-a0a3fdb2d750." );
        LocalDateTime ldt = DayOfWeekTime.BASELINE.with( TemporalAdjusters.nextOrSame( this.dayOfWeek ) ).with( this.localTime );
        LocalDateTime ldtSum = duration );
        DayOfWeekTime dayOfWeekTime = DayOfWeekTime.of( ldtSum.getDayOfWeek() , ldtSum.toLocalTime() );
        return dayOfWeekTime;

    public DayOfWeekTime minus ( final Duration duration )
        Objects.requireNonNull( duration , "Received a null argument. Message # 4e7bf8c9-6e4f-4e3f-a8b1-5a42dc23cd8a." );
        LocalDateTime ldt = DayOfWeekTime.BASELINE.with( TemporalAdjusters.nextOrSame( this.dayOfWeek ) ).with( this.localTime );
        LocalDateTime ldtSum = ldt.minus( duration );
        DayOfWeekTime dayOfWeekTime = DayOfWeekTime.of( ldtSum.getDayOfWeek() , ldtSum.toLocalTime() );
        return dayOfWeekTime;

    // ----------|  Period  |------------------------------------------

    public DayOfWeekTime plus ( final Period period )
        Objects.requireNonNull( period , "Received a null argument. Message # 3b1f65b0-5b2c-4e86-aaa3-527992356d32." );
        LocalDateTime ldt = DayOfWeekTime.BASELINE.with( TemporalAdjusters.nextOrSame( this.dayOfWeek ) ).with( this.localTime );
        LocalDateTime ldtSum = period );
        DayOfWeekTime dayOfWeekTime = DayOfWeekTime.of( ldtSum.getDayOfWeek() , ldtSum.toLocalTime() );
        return dayOfWeekTime;

    public DayOfWeekTime minus ( final Period period )
        Objects.requireNonNull( period , "Received a null argument. Message # 045938fc-d4b2-4bd2-8803-91db54d92564." );
        LocalDateTime ldt = DayOfWeekTime.BASELINE.with( TemporalAdjusters.nextOrSame( this.dayOfWeek ) ).with( this.localTime );
        LocalDateTime ldtSum = ldt.minus( period );
        DayOfWeekTime dayOfWeekTime = DayOfWeekTime.of( ldtSum.getDayOfWeek() , ldtSum.toLocalTime() );
        return dayOfWeekTime;

    // ----------|  Parsing  |------------------------------------------

    // This text output invented here in this method is styled to follow the designs of ISO 8601,
    // but is most certainly *not* defined in the standard.
    static public DayOfWeekTime parse ( final String input )
        Objects.requireNonNull( input , "Received a null argument. Message # 7c519b65-a1ec-486b-a9e9-ff31ee1b8057." );
        if ( input.isEmpty() || input.isBlank() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Received empty/blank string as argument. Message # 59993300-bdf9-4e69-82e0-823456715c60." );

        DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = null;
        LocalTime localTime = null;

        // My regex powers are weak.
        // My half-baked scheme returns tokens = [, -1, 13:00] for an input of "W-1T13:00".
        String delimiters = "[WT]+";
        String[] tokens = input.toUpperCase( Locale.US ).split( delimiters );  // ISO 8601 requires the output of uppercase letters while mandating that we accept lowercase.
        System.out.println( "DEBUG tokens = " + Arrays.toString( tokens ) );
        if ( tokens.length != 3 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Received invalid string as argument. Message # e521a4e3-1ee5-46e9-b351-a5edb7206b82." );

        int dowNumber = Math.abs( Integer.parseInt( tokens[ 1 ] ) );
        dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.of( dowNumber );

        String localTimeInput = Objects.requireNonNull( tokens[ 2 ] , "The time-of-day component of the input is null. Message # 1faed491-abaa-42bd-b767-d876f8ba07d9." );
        if ( localTimeInput.isEmpty() || localTimeInput.isBlank() )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The time-of-day component of the input is empty/blank. Message # 98208025-d7c2-4b59-bc5f-fed7bec09741." );
            localTime = LocalTime.parse( localTimeInput );
        catch ( DateTimeParseException e )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The time-of-day component of the input is invalid. Message # 8de7e8d8-f4a3-478d-96d8-911454aced14." );

        DayOfWeekTime dayOfWeekTime = DayOfWeekTime.of( dayOfWeek , localTime );
        return dayOfWeekTime;

    // ----------|  Moment  |------------------------------------------

    public ZonedDateTime atDateInZone ( LocalDate localDate , ZoneId zoneId )
        Objects.requireNonNull( zoneId , "Received null argument. Message # b8f70601-2b1d-4321-a57f-96384759a960." );
        LocalDate ld = localDate.with( TemporalAdjusters.nextOrSame( this.dayOfWeek ) ); // Move to the next date with a matching day-of-week if not a match.
        LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.of( ld , this.localTime );
        ZonedDateTime zdt = ldt.atZone( zoneId );
        return zdt;

    // ----------|  Accessors  |------------------------------------------

    public DayOfWeek getDayOfWeek ( ) { return this.dayOfWeek; }

    public LocalTime getLocalTime ( ) { return this.localTime; }

    // ----------|  Object  |------------------------------------------

    public boolean equals ( Object o )
        if ( this == o ) return true;
        if ( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() ) return false;
        DayOfWeekTime that = ( DayOfWeekTime ) o;
        return dayOfWeek == that.dayOfWeek &&
                localTime.equals( that.localTime );

    public int hashCode ( )
        return Objects.hash( dayOfWeek , localTime );

    // This text output invented here in this method  is styled to follow the designs of ISO 8601,
    // but is most certainly *not* defined in the standard.
    public String toString ( )
        String output = "W" + "-" + this.dayOfWeek.getValue() + "T" + this.localTime.toString();
        return output;

Example usage for Sunday.

DayOfWeekTime dayOfWeekTime = DayOfWeekTime.parse( "W-7T13:00" );

DayOfWeekTime nineDaysPrior = dayOfWeekTime.minus( Period.ofDays( 9 ) );
DayOfWeekTime oneDayPrior = dayOfWeekTime.minus( Period.ofDays( 1 ) );
DayOfWeekTime oneDayLater = Period.ofDays( 1 ) );
DayOfWeekTime twoDaysLater = Period.ofDays( 2 ) );
DayOfWeekTime weekLater = Period.ofWeeks( 1 ) );
DayOfWeekTime nineDaysLater = Period.ofDays( 9 ) );

DayOfWeekTime twoHoursLater = Duration.ofHours( 2 ) );
DayOfWeekTime nineHoursLater = Duration.ofHours( 9 ) );
DayOfWeekTime twentyFourHoursLater = Duration.ofHours( 24 ) );

ZoneId z = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = dayOfWeekTime.atDateInZone( z ) , z );

DayOfWeekTime now = z );

Dump to console.

System.out.println( "After parsing: dayOfWeekTime = " + dayOfWeekTime );

System.out.println( "nineDaysPrior = " + nineDaysPrior );
System.out.println( "oneDayPrior = " + oneDayPrior );
System.out.println( "oneDayLater = " + oneDayLater );
System.out.println( "twoDaysLater = " + twoDaysLater );
System.out.println( "weekLater = " + weekLater );
System.out.println( "nineDaysLater = " + nineDaysLater );

System.out.println( "twoHoursLater = " + twoHoursLater );
System.out.println( "nineHoursLater = " + nineHoursLater );
System.out.println( "twentyFourHoursLater = " + twentyFourHoursLater );

System.out.println( "zdt = " + zdt );
System.out.println( "now = " + now );
DEBUG tokens = [, -7, 13:00]
After parsing: dayOfWeekTime = W-7T13:00
nineDaysPrior = W-5T13:00
oneDayPrior = W-6T13:00
oneDayLater = W-1T13:00
twoDaysLater = W-2T13:00
weekLater = W-7T13:00
nineDaysLater = W-2T13:00
twoHoursLater = W-7T15:00
nineHoursLater = W-7T22:00
twentyFourHoursLater = W-1T13:00
zdt = 2020-05-03T13:00-04:00[America/Montreal]
now = W-1T16:10:33.248253

And for Monday.

DayOfWeekTime dayOfWeekTime = DayOfWeekTime.parse( "W-1T13:00" );
DEBUG tokens = [, -1, 13:00]
After parsing: dayOfWeekTime = W-1T13:00
nineDaysPrior = W-6T13:00
oneDayPrior = W-7T13:00
oneDayLater = W-2T13:00
twoDaysLater = W-3T13:00
weekLater = W-1T13:00
nineDaysLater = W-3T13:00
twoHoursLater = W-1T15:00
nineHoursLater = W-1T22:00
twentyFourHoursLater = W-2T13:00
zdt = 2020-04-27T13:00-04:00[America/Montreal]
now = W-1T16:16:11.543665

Seems like this functionality really could be useful to people, for handling workers’ shifts, or store opening/closing times. If this makes sense to others, perhaps someone would care to write a feature-request and pull-request to the ThreeTen-Extra project. Further work would include full support of temporal adjusters, truncation, and full unit-testing. And support for other features of java.time that I may be unaware of.


pleas see joda documentation The standard date and time classes prior to Java SE 8 are poor. By tackling this problem head-on, Joda-Time became the de facto standard date and time library for Java prior to Java SE 8. Note that from Java SE 8 onwards, users are asked to migrate to java.time (JSR-310) - a core part of the JDK which replaces this project.

The design allows for multiple calendar systems, while still providing a simple API. The “default” calendar is the ISO8601 standard which is used by many other standards. The Gregorian, Julian, Buddhist, Coptic, Ethiopic and Islamic calendar systems are also included. Supporting classes include time zone, duration, format and parsing.

As a flavour of Joda-Time, here’s some example code:

public boolean isAfterPayDay(DateTime datetime) {
  if (datetime.getMonthOfYear() == 2) {   // February is month 2!!
    return datetime.getDayOfMonth() > 26;
  return datetime.getDayOfMonth() > 28;
public Days daysToNewYear(LocalDate fromDate) {
  LocalDate newYear = fromDate.plusYears(1).withDayOfYear(1);
  return Days.daysBetween(fromDate, newYear);
public boolean isRentalOverdue(DateTime datetimeRented) {
  Period rentalPeriod = new Period().withDays(2).withHours(12);
public String getBirthMonthText(LocalDate dateOfBirth) {
  return dateOfBirth.monthOfYear().getAsText(Locale.ENGLISH);

