How to get all table names in a Django app?
I use the following code but it doesn't get the tables created by ManyToManyField
from django.db.models import get_app, get_models
app = get_app(app_name)
for model in get_models(app):
print model._meta.db_table
from django.db import connection
tables = connection.introspection.table_names()
seen_models = connection.introspection.installed_models(tables)
As seen in the syncdb command for manage.py.
In a comment below, years after the answer above, ThePhi says (I haven't tested it):
from django.apps import apps
from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.admin.sites import AlreadyRegistered
app_models = apps.get_app_config('my_app').get_models()
The simplest answer, that still allows you to pick which app you want, is to modify your code with one extra argument "include_auto_created".
from django.db.models import get_app, get_models
app = get_app(app_name)
for model in get_models(app, include_auto_created=True):
print model._meta.db_table
Obviously I got this by following celope's advice to read the syncdb source, so thanks for that - just documenting an exact answer that includes the app name as it was what I wanted and possibly others too in future.
The simplest method should be to use the database reflection APIs in django to go directly to the database. The drawback to this is that it won't give you any tables before you've synced.
This works for
>>> python -m django version
OK, here's how you do that:
>>> from django.apps import apps
>>> polls_tables = apps.get_app_config("polls")
>>> polls_tables.models
OrderedDict([('question', <class 'polls.models.Question'>), ('choice', <class 'polls.models.Choice'>), ('reporter', <class 'polls.models.Reporter'>), ('article', <class 'polls.models.Article'>), ('publication', <class 'polls.models.Publication'>), ('publicationarticle_publications', <class 'polls.models.PublicationArticle_publications'>), ('publicationarticle', <class 'polls.models.PublicationArticle'>), ('person', <class 'polls.models.Person'>), ('group', <class 'polls.models.Group'>), ('membership', <class 'polls.models.Membership'>), ('place', <class 'polls.models.Place'>), ('restaurant', <class 'polls.models.Restaurant'>), ('waiter', <class 'polls.models.Waiter'>), ('student', <class 'polls.models.Student'>), ('assembler', <class 'polls.models.Assembler'>), ('bike', <class 'polls.models.Bike'>), ('blog', <class 'polls.models.Blog'>), ('author', <class 'polls.models.Author'>), ('entry_authors', <class 'polls.models.Entry_authors'>), ('entry', <class 'polls.models.Entry'>), ('themeblog', <class 'polls.models.ThemeBlog'>), ('bookauthor', <class 'polls.models.BookAuthor'>), ('publisher', <class 'polls.models.Publisher'>), ('book_authors', <class 'polls.models.Book_authors'>), ('book', <class 'polls.models.Book'>), ('store_books', <class 'polls.models.Store_books'>), ('store', <class 'polls.models.Store'>), ('dummy', <class 'polls.models.Dummy'>)])
>>> polls_tables.models.keys()
odict_keys(['question', 'choice', 'reporter', 'article', 'publication', 'publicationarticle_publications', 'publicationarticle', 'person', 'group', 'membership', 'place', 'restaurant', 'waiter', 'student', 'assembler', 'bike', 'blog', 'author', 'entry_authors', 'entry', 'themeblog', 'bookauthor', 'publisher', 'book_authors', 'book', 'store_books', 'store', 'dummy'])
you can also get field names of particular model
>>> questionTable = polls_tables.get_model("question")
>>> questionTable._meta.get_fields()
(<ManyToOneRel: polls.choice>, <django.db.models.fields.AutoField: id>, <django.db.models.fields.CharField: question_text>, <django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: pub_date>)
Further if you want you can get count of it by
>>> len(questionTable._meta.get_fields())
To get all the values in database, you can do it as:
>>> list = [entry for entry in Entry.objects.values()]
>>> for dict in list:
... print()
... for key in dict:
... print(key," : ", dict[key])
id : 1
blog_id : 5
headline : i have blog entry named DJANGO
pub_date : 2018-06-10
n_comments : 5
n_pingbacks : 1
id : 2
blog_id : 5
headline : i have blog entry named DJANGO
pub_date : 2018-06-10
n_comments : 7