SSMS: How to import (Copy/Paste) data from excel

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-04-28 22:45:12


How to Copy/Paste following delimited data (by default delimited with tab) from excel:

declare @t_values   nvarchar(max)   =                   
NULL    490366  NULL    NULL
NULL    490400  NULL    NULL
NULL    490402  NULL    NULL
483061  490404  10  abc1
NULL    490406  NULL    NULL
9766167 490408  3   abc2'

To my temp table:

CREATE TABLE #insertTable
(   transaction_id int     
   ,user_id        int 
   ,purchase_price decimal(8,2) 
   ,mess           varchar(8)


NB! Without using OPENROWSET


  1. QUERY
  3. SNIPPET (fast way to creae snippets HERE)

P.S. If you have old SQL Server version (database compatibility set is under 130), you will need separately STRING_SPLIT function. I recommend following solution.


Please use following PROC:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.p_values2insertquery
    @t_name   nvarchar(128),                   -- Destination Table Name + [(column names)]
    @t_values nvarchar(max),                   -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)    
    @dlm      nvarchar(128)   = N'  '          -- Delimiter: HT = HorizontalTab = char(9)
/*  p_values2insertquery
        - converts table values stored in @t_values string (separated by default by @dlm=TAB)
          to queries for insert to  table name defined in @t_name

        @t_name   nvarchar(128),                   -- Destination Table Name + [(column names)]
        @t_values nvarchar(max),                   -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)    
        @dlm      nvarchar(128)   = N'  '          -- Delimiter: HT = HorizontalTab = char(9)

    -- NB! Script do NOT write any ifo to any table
    -- to perform insert please copy/paste script output and execute            


        IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#insertTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #insertTable;
        CREATE TABLE #insertTable
        (   transaction_id int     
           ,user_id        int 
           ,purchase_price decimal(8,2) 
           ,mess           varchar(8)

        declare @t_name     nvarchar(128)   = '#insertTable'    -- Table Name for insert
        declare @t_values   nvarchar(max)   =                   -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)
        NULL    490366  NULL    NULL
        NULL    490400  NULL    NULL
        NULL    490402  NULL    NULL
        483061  490404  10  abc1
        NULL    490406  NULL    NULL
        9766167 490408  3   abc2'
        declare @dlm        nvarchar(128)   = char(9);          -- Delimiter: HT = char(9) = HorizontalTab

        exec p_values2insertquery @t_name, @t_values

     -- Output:
     insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490366',NULL,NULL);
     insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490400',NULL,NULL);
     insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490402',NULL,NULL);
     insert into #insertTable VALUES('483061','490404','10','abc1');
     insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490406',NULL,NULL);
     insert into #insertTable VALUES('9766167','490408','3','abc2');
    select N'insert into '
            + @t_name               -- table name
            + ' VALUES(' 
            + replace               -- replace 'NULL' by NULL
              ( '''' 
                 + replace          -- surround values by quotes 'value1','value2'...
                   (    value
                   ,    @dlm        -- Delimiter: HT = char(9) = HorizontalTab
                   ,    ''','''
                 + ''''
              , '''NULL'''  
              , 'NULL'      
            + ');' as insertQuery
    --into #t 
    from string_split               -- insert Line per Row into table
         (  replace                 -- replace CR + LF by LF  (CR - Carriage Return, LF - Line Feed)
            (   @t_values           -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)
            , char(13)+char(10)     -- CR + LF
            , char(10)              -- LF
    where len(value)>0              -- skip empty rows

/* the same, but step by step (for explanatory purposes):

select @t_values=replace(@t_values,char(13)+char(10), char(10))           ;    -- replace CR + LF by LF  (CR - Carriage Return, LF - Line Feed)
select value into #t from string_split(@t_values,char(10))                ;    -- insert Line per Row into table
delete from #t where len(value)<1                                         ;    -- delete empty lines

update #t set value =  '''' + replace(value,  @dlm, ''',''') + '''';            -- surround values by quotes 'value1','value2'...
update #t set value =      replace(value, '''NULL''', 'NULL');                  -- replace 'NULL' by NULL
update #t set value = N'insert into '+ @t_name + ' VALUES(' + value + ');'

select * from #t


IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#insertTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #insertTable;
CREATE TABLE #insertTable
(   transaction_id int     
   ,user_id        int 
   ,purchase_price decimal(8,2) 
   ,mess           varchar(8)

declare @t_name     nvarchar(128)   = '#insertTable'    -- Table Name for insert
declare @t_values   nvarchar(max)   =                   -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)
NULL    490366  NULL    NULL
NULL    490400  NULL    NULL
NULL    490402  NULL    NULL
483061  490404  10  abc1
NULL    490406  NULL    NULL
9766167 490408  3   abc2'
declare @dlm        nvarchar(128)   = char(9);          -- Delimiter: HT = char(9) = HorizontalTab

exec p_values2insertquery @t_name, @t_values

Output (just Copy/Paste and execute to perform insert):

insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490366',NULL,NULL);
insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490400',NULL,NULL);
insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490402',NULL,NULL);
insert into #insertTable VALUES('483061','490404','10','abc1');
insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490406',NULL,NULL);
insert into #insertTable VALUES('9766167','490408','3','abc2');


If by some reason you don't want to use PROC (no permissions for instance), you can use snippet instead.

Please save this code as file with extension .snippet and add it to your snippets through Code Snippets Manager:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<CodeSnippets  xmlns="">
    <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
            <Title>InsertTable</Title>    <!--InsertTable.snippet -copy/paste for filename-->
            <Description>Prepare Copy/Paste Excel data for inserting to Table</Description>
            <Author>Denis Sipchenko</Author>
                <SnippetType>SurroundsWith</SnippetType>    <!--SurroundsWith/Expansion-->
                <Literal> <ID>t_name</ID>     <Default>'#insertTable'</Default>     <ToolTip>Destination Table Name [(column names)]</ToolTip>                            </Literal>
                <Literal> <ID>t_values</ID>   <Default></Default>                   <ToolTip>copy/paste Excel data here</ToolTip>                        </Literal>
                <Literal> <ID>delimiter</ID>  <Default>char(9)</Default>            <ToolTip>Column Delimiter: HT = char(9) = HorizontalTab</ToolTip>    </Literal>
            <Code Language="SQL">
                <![CDATA[-- NB! Script do NOT write any ifo to any table
-- to perform insert please copy/paste script output and execute

declare @tbl_name   nvarchar(128)   = $t_name$;     -- Destination Table Name + [(column names)]
declare @dlm        nvarchar(128)   = $delimiter$;  -- Delimiter: HT = char(9) = HorizontalTab
declare @tbl        nvarchar(max)   =               -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)

select N'insert into '
        + @tbl_name             -- table name
        + ' VALUES(' 
        + replace               -- replace 'NULL' by NULL
          ( '''' 
             + replace          -- surround values by quotes 'value1','value2'...
               (    value
               ,    @dlm        -- Delimiter: HT = char(9) = HorizontalTab
               ,    ''','''
             + ''''
          , '''NULL'''  
          , 'NULL'      
        + ');' as insertquery
--into #t 
from string_split            -- insert Line per Row into table
     (  replace                 -- replace CR + LF by LF  (CR - Carriage Return, LF - Line Feed)
        (   @tbl                -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)
        , char(13)+char(10)     -- CR + LF
        , char(10)              -- LF
where len(value)>0              -- skip empty rows




Please try following:

-- NB! Script do NOT write any ifo to any table
-- to perform insert please copy/paste script output and execute

declare @tbl_name   nvarchar(128)   = '#insertTable';     -- Destination Table Name + [(column names)]
declare @dlm        nvarchar(128)   = char(9);  -- Delimiter: HT = char(9) = HorizontalTab
declare @tbl        nvarchar(max)   =               -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)
N'NULL    490366  NULL    NULL
NULL    490400  NULL    NULL
NULL    490402  NULL    NULL
483061  490404  10  abc1
NULL    490406  NULL    NULL
9766167 490408  3   abc2'

select N'insert into '
        + @tbl_name             -- table name
        + ' VALUES(' 
        + replace               -- replace 'NULL' by NULL
          ( '''' 
             + replace          -- surround values by quotes 'value1','value2'...
               (    value
               ,    @dlm        -- Delimiter: HT = char(9) = HorizontalTab
               ,    ''','''
             + ''''
          , '''NULL'''  
          , 'NULL'      
        + ');' as insertquery
--into #t 
from fn_split_string            -- insert Line per Row into table
     (  replace                 -- replace CR + LF by LF  (CR - Carriage Return, LF - Line Feed)
        (   @tbl                -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)
        , char(13)+char(10)     -- CR + LF
        , char(10)              -- LF
where len(value)>0              -- skip empty rows

