How to filtering array of objects to another array of objects in js?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-04-28 22:43:35


I have got two arrays of objects. I want to filter data based on permissionObj.

This is coming from database. Here are arrays of sub-arrays in the permissionObj.

I need to do another condition in reduce function . For example , if Pubsidebar value is token is public, I want to keep static content {label: "test",value: "public"} without filtering with permissionObj and if other key and value is match with permissionObj,then it will be push inside token .

let permissionObj = [
    'OA deal': [
        label: 'can view',
        value: 'can_view',
    Deposit: [
        label: 'can edit',
        value: 'can_edit',
    Deposit: [
        label: 'can_view',
        value: 'can_view',

    Journals: [
        label: 'can create',
        value: 'can_create',
    Dashboard: [
        label: 'can view',
        value: 'can_view',
    token: [
        label: 'can view',
        value: 'can_create',

const PubSidebar = [
    label: 'Dashboard',
    value: 'can_view',
    label: 'token',
    value: 'public',
    content: [
        key: 'token',
        value: 'can_create',
        key: 'test',
        value: 'public',
    label: 'OA deal',
    content: [
        label: 'view oadeal',
        key: 'OA deal',
        value: 'can_view',

        label: 'Deposit',
        key: 'Deposit',
        value: 'can_view',
        label: 'Corrections',
        key: 'Corrections',
        value: 'can_edit',
    label: 'Journals',
    content: [
        label: 'Add Journal',
        key: 'Journals',
        value: 'can_create',

const filterObject = permissionObj.reduce((a, c) => {
  for (const key in c) {
    a[key] = c[key]
  return a
}, {})
const result = PubSidebar.reduce((a, c) => {
  if (
    filterObject[c.label] &&
    c.value &&
    filterObject[c.label].some(s => s.value === c.value)
  ) {
  } else if (c.value === 'public' && c.label === 'token') {
    if (
      (c.content = c.content.filter(
        f =>
          filterObject[f.key] &&
          filterObject[f.key].some(s => s.value == f.value)
    ) {
      c.content = c.content.filter(
        f =>
          filterObject[f.key] &&
          filterObject[f.key].some(s => s.value == f.value)
  } else if (c.content.some(s => filterObject[s.key]) && c.content) {
    c.content = c.content.filter(
      f =>
        filterObject[f.key] && filterObject[f.key].some(s => s.value == f.value)

  return a
}, [])


Here is code snippet . I am trying to getting public data from sidebar without filtering with permissionObj.

my expected output would : 
    "label": "Dashboard",
    "value": "can_view"
    "label": "token",
    "value": "public",
    "content": [{
        "key": "test",
        "value": "public"
        "key": "token",
        "value": "can_create"
    "label": "OA deal",
    "content": [
        "label": "view oadeal",
        "key": "OA deal",
        "value": "can_view"
        "label": "Deposit",
        "key": "Deposit",
        "value": "can_view"
    "label": "Journals",
    "content": [
        "label": "Add Journal",
        "key": "Journals",
        "value": "can_create"

