I have a page which I am rendering like this:
res.render('account.pug', {user: req.user._id})
—and which is supposed to show a profile picture which corresponds to the user like this:
img(id='profilepicture' src='profilepictures/#{user}')
However, the Pug renders as:
<img id='profilepicture' src='profilepictures/#{users}' />
—instead of:
<img id='profilepicture' src='profilepictures/USERID' />
—so the correct profile picture does not display.
It is weird because when I write div #{user}
it renders correctly as <div>USERID</div>
, so it clearly has something to do with it being that I am interpolating on an attribute mid-string. I have tried using back ticks instead of quote marks but this did not work either.
As noted in the Pug documentation, the #{foo}
interpolation syntax is no longer supported in attributes.
Instead of using—
img#profilepicture(src='profilepictures/#{user}') // no longer supported
—you can use (as @Shinigami points out):
img#profilepicture(src='profilepictures/' + user) // supported
Or, if you have ES6 support, you can use template strings:
img#profilepicture(src=`profilepictures/${user}`) // supported
(Note that the last one uses ${}
instead of #{}
Try this
img#profilepicture(src='profilepictures/' + users)
Docs: https://pugjs.org/language/attributes.html
Helpful Site: https://pughtml.com