How does Firefox reader view operate

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-11-27 17:19:43

You need at least one <p> tag around the text, you want to see in Reader View and at least 516 characters in 7 words inside the text.

for example this will trigger the ReaderView:

 123456789 123456

See my example at

Reading through the gitHub code, this morning, the process is that page elements are listed in a likelyhood order - with <section>,<p>,<div>,<article> at the top of the list (ie most likely).

Then each of these "nodes" is given a score based on things such as comma counts and class names that apply to the node. This is a somewhat multi-faceted process where scores are added for text chunks but also scores are seemingly reduced for invalid parts or syntax. Scores in sub-parts of "node" are reflected in the score of the node as a whole. ie the parent element contains the scores of all lower elements, I think.

This score value decides if the HTML page can be "page viewed" in Firefox.

I am not absolutely clear if the score value is set by Firefox or by the readability function.

Javascript is really not my strong point,and I think someone else should check over the link provided by Richard ( ) and see if they can provide a more thorough answer.

What I did not see but expected to see was score based on amount of text content in a <p> or a <div> (or other) relevant tags.

Any improvements on this question or answer, please share!!

EDIT: Images in <div> or <figure> tags (HTML5) within the <p> element appear to be retained in the Reader View when the page text content is valid.

Sean Bone

I followed Martin's link to the Readability.js GitHub repository, and had a look at the source code. Here's what I make of it.

The algorithm works with paragraph tags. First of all, it tries to identify parts of the page which are definitely not content - like forms and so on - and removes them. Then it goes through the paragraph nodes on the page and assigns a score based on content-richness: it gives them points for things like number of commas, length of content, etc. Notice that a paragraph with fewer than 25 characters is immediately discarded.

Scores then "bubble up" the DOM tree: each paragraph will add part of it's score to all of it's parent nodes - a direct parent gets the full score added to its total, a grandparent only half, a great-grandparent a third and so on. This allows the algorithm to identify higher-level elements which are likely to be the main content section.

Though this is just Firefox's algorithm, my guess is if it works well for Firefox, it'll work well for other browsers too.

In order for these Reader View algorithms to work for your website, you want them to correctly identify the content-heavy sections of your page. This means you want the more content-heavy nodes on your page to get high scores in the algorithm.

So here are some rules of thumb to improve the quality of the page in the eyes of these algorithms:

  1. Use paragraph tags in your content! Many people tend to overlook them in favor of <br /> tags. While it may look similar, many content-related algorithms (not only Reader View ones) rely heavily on them.
  2. Use HTML5 semantic elements in your markup, like <article>, <nav>, <section>, <aside>. Even though they're not the only criterion (as you noted in the question), these are very useful to computers reading your page (not just Reader View) to distinguish different sections of your content. Readability.js uses them to guess which nodes are likely or unlikely to contain important content.
  3. Wrap your main content in one container, like an <article> or <div> element. This will receive score points from all the paragraph tags inside it, and be identified as the main content section.
  4. Keep your DOM tree shallow in content-dense areas. If you have a lot of elements breaking your content up, you're only making life harder for the algorithm: there won't be a single element that stands out as being parent of a lot of content-heavy paragraphs, but many separate ones with low scores.