Apparently invalid phantom type in OCaml accepted by the compiler

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-03-23 12:01:23


I was trying to answer this question: Ocaml selecting a type's subtype in another type declaration using phantom types. So I was about to propose this code:

type colour = Red | Blue | Yellow                                                                                    
type shape  = Rectangle | Square

module ColouredShape : sig
  (* Type parameterized by 'a, just for the type system. 'a does not appear in the 
    right hand side *)
  type 'a t = shape * colour

  (* Dummy types, used as labels in the phantom type *)
  type red
  type yellow

  val make_red    : shape ->    red t
  val make_yellow : shape -> yellow t

  val make_rectangle : unit ->    red t
  val make_square    : unit -> yellow t

  val f :     'a t -> colour
  val g :    red t -> colour
  val h : yellow t -> colour


  type 'a t = shape * colour
  type red
  type yellow

  let make_red    s = (s, Red)
  let make_yellow s = (s, Yellow)

  let make_rectangle ()  = make_red    Rectangle
  let make_square    ()  = make_yellow Square

  let f x = snd x
  let g x = snd x
  let h x = snd x


open ColouredShape
open Printf

let _ =
  let rectangle = make_rectangle () in
  let square    = make_square () in
  let c = f square in
  printf "%b\n" (c = Red);

  let c = f rectangle in
  printf "%b\n" (c = Red);

  let c = g square in
  printf "%b\n" (c = Red);

  let c = g rectangle in
  printf "%b\n" (c = Red);

  let c = h square in
  printf "%b\n" (c = Red);

  let c = h rectangle in
  printf "%b\n" (c = Red)

I was expecting the compiler to reject the code at the line

let c = g square in

because g is of type red t -> colour and square is of type yellow t. But everything compiled, and the program can be executed.

What did I miss here? Is this the expected behavior of the compiler?


Since you're exposing the structure of CoulouredShape.t in the signature of ColouredShape, the type checker knows that both red t = shape * colour and yellow t = shape * colour, and it then follows that red t = yellow t.

If you make ColouredShape.t abstract however, those type equalities aren't known outside ColouredShape, and hence you'll get the appropriate error:

    let c = g square
Error: This expression has type ColouredShape.yellow ColouredShape.t
       but an expression was expected of type ColouredShape.t
       Type ColouredShape.yellow is not compatible with type


One solution is to make the type abstract, i.e. have the module interface expose only this:

(* abstract *)
type 'a t

instead of

(* concrete *)
type 'a t = shape * colour

An in-between solution that works with recent versions of OCaml is to declare the type as private:

type 'a t = private (shape * colour)

This is generally useful to expose the structure of a type for pattern-matching purposes, while forcing the user to create well-formed objects by calling the module's functions.

A simpler example of the use of private is for creating a unique ID:

module ID : sig
  type t = private int
  val create : unit -> t
end = struct
  type t = int  (* note: no 'private' *)
  let counter = ref 0
  let create () =
    let res = !counter in
    if res < 0 then
      failwith "ID.create: int overflow";
    incr counter;

