Perspective projection and view matrix: Both depth buffer and triangle face orientation are reversed in OpenGL

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-11-27 16:23:52

There are some issues with in the calculation of the projection matrix. You have to adapt your code like this:

AV4X4FLOAT formProjMatrix(float FOVangle,float aspect,float nearz,float farz)

    A.m[0]  = 1.0 / (aspect*tanf(FOVangle/2));
    A.m[5]  = 1.0 / tanf(FOVangle/2);
    A.m[10] =  (nearz+farz)/(farz-nearz);
    A.m[11] = - 2.0 * nearz*farz/(farz-nearz);
    A.m[14] = - 1.0;
    return A;

The Perspective Projection Matrix looks like this:

r = right, l = left, b = bottom, t = top, n = near, f = far

2*n/(r-l)      0              0               0
0              2*n/(t-b)      0               0
(r+l)/(r-l)    (t+b)/(t-b)    -(f+n)/(f-n)   -1    
0              0              -2*f*n/(f-n)    0

it follows:

aspect = w / h
tanFov = tan( fov_y * 0.5 );

p[0][0] = 2*n/(r-l) = 1.0 / (tanFov * aspect)
p[1][1] = 2*n/(t-b) = 1.0 / tanFov

The following function will calculate the same projection matrix as gluPerspective or glm::perspective does:

#include <array>

const float cPI = 3.14159265f;
float ToRad( float deg ) { return deg * cPI / 180.0f; }

using TVec4  = std::array< float, 4 >;
using TMat44 = std::array< TVec4, 4 >;

TMat44 Perspective( float fov_y, float aspect )
    float fn = far + near
    float f_n = far - near;
    float r = aspect;
    float t = 1.0f / tan( ToRad( fov_y ) / 2.0f );

    return TMat44{ 
        TVec4{ t / r, 0.0f,  0.0f,                 0.0f },
        TVec4{ 0.0f,  t,     0.0f,                 0.0f },
        TVec4{ 0.0f,  0.0f, -fn / f_n,            -1.0f },
        TVec4{ 0.0f,  0.0f, -2.0f*far*near / f_n,  0.0f }

On the viewport the X-axis points to the left, the Y-axis up and the Z-axis out of the view (Note in a right hand system the Z-Axis is the cross product of the X-Axis and the Y-Axis).

The following code does the same as gluLookAt or glm::lookAt does:

using TVec3  = std::array< float, 3 >;
using TVec4  = std::array< float, 4 >;
using TMat44 = std::array< TVec4, 4 >;

TVec3 Cross( TVec3 a, TVec3 b ) { return { a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1], a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2], a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0] }; }
float Dot( TVec3 a, TVec3 b ) { return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2]; }
void Normalize( TVec3 & v )
    float len = sqrt( v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2] );
    v[0] /= len; v[1] /= len; v[2] /= len;

TMat44 Camera::LookAt( const TVec3 &pos, const TVec3 &target, const TVec3 &up )
    TVec3 mz = { pos[0] - target[0], pos[1] - target[1], pos[2] - target[2] };
    Normalize( mz );
    TVec3 my = { up[0], up[1], up[2] };
    TVec3 mx = Cross( my, mz );
    Normalize( mx );
    my = Cross( mz, mx );

    TMat44 v{
        TVec4{ mx[0], my[0], mz[0], 0.0f },
        TVec4{ mx[1], my[1], mz[1], 0.0f },
        TVec4{ mx[2], my[2], mz[2], 0.0f },
        TVec4{ Dot(mx, pos), Dot(my, pos), -Dot(mz, pos), 1.0f }

    return v;

Adapt your code like this:

AV4X4FLOAT formViewModelMatrix(AV4FLOAT pos,AV4FLOAT target,AV4FLOAT up)
    AV4FLOAT mz;
    mz.x = pos.x - target.x; mz.y = pos.y - target.y; mz.z = pos.z - target.z; mz.w = 1.0f;

    AV4FLOAT my;
    my.x = up.x; my.y = up.y; my.z = up.z; my.w = 1.0f;

    AV4FLOAT mx;
    mx.x = my.y*mz.z - my.z*mz.y; mx.y = my.z*mz.x - my.x*mz.z; mx.z = my.x*mz.y - my.y*mz.x; mx.w = 1.0f;

    my.x = mz.y*mx.z - mz.z*mx.y; my.y = mz.z*mx.x - mz.x*mx.z; my.z = mz.x*mx.y - mz.y*mx.x; my.w = 1.0f;

    AV4FLOAT t;
    t.x = mx.x*pos.x + mx.y*pos.y + mx.z*pos.z; 
    t.y = my.x*pos.x + my.y*pos.y + my.z*pos.z; 
    t.z = -(mz.x*pos.x + mz.y*pos.y + mz.z*pos.z); 

    AV4X4FLOAT m;
    m[0]  = mx.x;  m[1]  = my.x;  m[2]  = mz.x;  m[3]  = 0.0f;
    m[4]  = mx.y;  m[5]  = my.y;  m[6]  = mz.y;  m[7]  = 0.0f;
    m[8]  = mx.z;  m[9]  = my.z;  m[10] = mz.z;  m[11] = 0.0f;
    m[12] = t.x;   m[13] = t.y;   m[14] = t.z;   m[15] = 1.0f;

    return m

See further the answers to the following question:
