
此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-02-28 23:02:04


1、Being late is an unforgivable sin here.
【对比分析】对自己的也是醉醉的了,Being late能看成Beijing late.还在想这句话怎么这么奇怪呢。。。。
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子类型:动名词作主语
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:Being late 动名词作主语 is 系动词  an unforgivable sin 表语 here 状语
【拓展】因 late 是形容词,无法单独使用,故和 be 动词连用 be late 放句首,则 be 须名词化→ Being late
2、There is no point saying that
【对比分析】point à the purpose or aim of sth 意图;目的;理由.eg. There's no point in getting angry. 发火是没有用的。I don't see the point of doing it all again. 我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。What's the point of all this violence? 这些暴行的意图何在?
         - 内部关系:描述管辖
         - 句子类型:动名词作主语后置 there be句型,is系动词,固定搭配There is no point (in) doing sth. 表示做…没意义。动名词作主语后置的特殊句型之一。
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:There 主语 is 系动词 no point 表语saying that真正的主语
3、He was awakened by someone knocking on the door.
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子时态:一般过去时
         - 句子成分:He主语 was awakened 谓语by someone knocking on the door.状语(其中knocking on the door作by的宾语)
4、She left the room without saying a word.
【对比分析】room 房间
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子类型:动名词作宾语
         - 句子时态:一般过去时
         - 句子成分:She 主语left 谓语the room宾语 without saying a word状语saying a word作介词without的宾语,a word作saying的宾语。.
5、I can’t stand waiting any longer.
【对比分析】can't wait doing表示迫不及待,无法忍受再等下去,表示不能再继续等下去了。
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子类型:动名词作宾语
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:I主语 can’t stand谓语 waiting any longer宾语
6、I don’t like being laughed at.
【对比分析】动名词的被动式  à being  + 过去分词
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:I 主语don’t like 谓语being laughed at.动名词被动式作宾语
7、She likes showing off.
【标准答案】她喜欢显摆/ 炫耀。
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:She 主语likes 谓语showing off动名词作宾语

8、His constant complaining is beginning to try my patience.
【对比分析】constant没有翻译出来 happening all the time or repeatedly 连续发生的;不断的;重复的。eg. constant interruptions 无休止的干扰Babies need constant attention. 婴儿一刻也离不开人。
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子时态:现在进行时
         - 句子成分:His constant complaining主语is beginning 谓语 to try my patience.不定式作宾语
核心动词begin 动名词his constant complaining作主语,constant形容词修饰中心词,不变的,恒定的,经常的,没完没了的,持续不停的;try one‘s patience试验一个人的耐心,就是挑战一个人的忍耐极限,已经达到要爆发的边缘了,忍无可忍!时态:现在进行时,表示 情绪的积累和酝酿,“让我有点儿…”
9、She hates speaking in public.
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:She主语 hates 谓语speaking in public动名词作宾语
10、I am annoyed about his forgetting my birthday present.
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子时态:一般过去时
         - 句子成分:I主语 am 系动词annoyed about his forgetting my birthday present表语
【我的翻译】I like looking at sun set.
【标准答案】I like watching the sunset
【对比分析】look at 与watch区别: look at sth à(1) to examine sth closely (仔细)察看,检查eg. I haven't had time to look at (= read) the papers yet. 我还没来得及看这些论文。Your ankle's swollen — I think the doctor ought to look at it. 你的脚踝肿了,我认为得找医生检查一下。(2)  to think about, consider or study sth 思考;考虑;研究eg. The implications of the new law will need to be looked at. 新法规可能造成的影响需要仔细研究一下。(3)  to view or consider sth in a particular way (用某种方式)看待,考虑eg. Looked at from that point of view, his decision is easier to understand. 从那个角度来看,他的决定比较容易理解。Watch  –>  to look at sb/sth for a time, paying attention to what happens 看;注视;观看;观察eg. to watch television/a football game看电视╱足球比赛
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:I 主语like谓语 watching the sunset动名词作宾语

【我的翻译】Suddenly,he is not speaking.
【标准答案】He stopped talking suddenly.
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子时态:一般过去时
         - 句子成分:He 主语stopped谓语 talking动名词作宾语 suddenly状语.
①多数副词都放在所修饰动词后面,若修饰的是及物动词,则放在宾语后面,例:Everything went smoothly.一切进行顺利。You must write carefully.你要仔细写。She didn't do it intentionally.她不是故意这样做的。Have a good rest tonight.今晚好好休息。
②频度副词位置比较特殊,一般放在所修饰动词的前面,如果句中有情态动词、助动词或动词to be,就放在这类动词的后面:She often does this. 她常常这样做。
【我的翻译】Being loved gives you strength
【标准答案】Being loved gives you strength.
【解题思路】being + 过去分词 构成动名词的被动语态
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:Being loved动名词作主语 gives谓语 you间宾 strength直宾
strength: 说人时,指体力,力气,使行动变为可能的力量;说物时,指强度。也可指强项,长处。
【我的翻译】Bought that book is wasting time.
【标准答案】It is a waste of time buying that book.
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:It 形主is 系动词a waste of time表语 buying that book.真正的主语
【拓展】a waste of 浪费you're a waste of time 你在浪费时间
【我的翻译】It is a waste of life talking with you.
【标准答案】It is a waste of life talking with you.
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:It 主语is 系动词a waste of life表语 talking with you真正的主语
【我的翻译】It is no necessary arguing with that persion.
【标准答案】There is no point arguing with that kind of guy
【对比分析】第二题刚查过point就给忘记了。。。那一种人:that kind of guy
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:There主语 is系动词 no point 表语arguing with that kind of guy真正的主语
【我的翻译】They are considering buying a hose in haidian
【标准答案】They are considering buying a house in Haidian district.
         - 内部关系:动作关系
         - 句子时态:现在进行时
         - 句子成分:They主语 are considering 谓语buying a house动名词作宾语 in Haidian district定语.

【我的翻译】It is bad for you smoking too much.
【标准答案】Your smoking so much is not good for health.
【对比分析】我的答案时动名词作主语后。答案your smoking(物主代词+doing)作主语,your是逻辑主语,smoking动名词,表示你抽的烟。也可以用It is+形容词+to do:It's not good for health to smoke too much.
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:Your smoking so much动名词作主语 is 系动词not good for health 表语.
【我的翻译】There is point reading this book.
【标准答案】This book is worth reading.
【对比分析】be worth doing表示值得做某事,此处用了reading动名词作宾语。
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:This book主语 is 系动词worth reading动名词作表语.
①This second-hand car is worth $2000 at the most.
②The exhibition is worth a visit/visiting.
③It’s not worth getting angry with him.
④The question is not worth discussing again and again.
️worthy可作表语,也可作定语。作定语时意思为“有价值的”、“值得尊敬的”、“应受到赏识的”;用作表语时意思为“值得……的”、“应得到……的”,其后接of sth.,也可以后接to do sth.,例如:
①That is worthy of note. 那件事值得注意。
②This phenomenon is worthy of being studied. 这种现象值得研究。
③This problem is worthy to be considered. 这个问题值得考虑。
④This is a worthy English-Chinese dictionary. 这是一本有价值的英汉词典。
⑤He said he was not worthy to accept such honour.
作后置定语时,必须用“worthy of +名词”结构。例如:
①There is nothing worthy of mention. 没有值得一提的事情。
②This is behavior worthy of praise. 这是值得称赞的行为。
③ Something find and rare --- something worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.
注:“worthy of+动名词”与“worth+动名词”在形式上完全不同:worthy of后面接被动式的动名词;而worth后面接主动式的动名词,虽然在形式上是主动的,但其意义仍然是被动的。试比较:
The second-hand house is worthy of being bought. = The second-hand house is worth buying.
①The Summer Palace is worthwhile going / to go to have a visit.
②Helping old people is a worthwhile activity.
③Thank you for your worthwhile suggestion.

【我的翻译】Collectting stamps is my hobby.
【标准答案】My hobby is collecting stamps.
         - 内部关系:描述关系
         - 句子时态:一般现在时
         - 句子成分:My hobby 主语is系动词 collecting stamps动名词作表语.




❶ 「浪费时间」你肯定知道用哪个词,这个词怎么用?先去查。

🍭waste 作名词,“浪费,白费”,侧重概念。

a waste of sth 浪费某事
⏰a waste of time
a waste of money
‍♀️a waste of life

🍭waste 作动词,表示“浪费,白费”,侧重动作。

🤷‍♀️You are wasting your time in trying to explain it to him.

Buying that book is wasting time.

❷ 「没必要」是否等于not necessary?注意脱壳


There's no point arguing about it.





Day 15 - 请在(下周一)17:00前完成打卡

❶ 「空腹喝咖啡」怎么说
❷ 如何评价某件事「其实就是……的问题」

❶ 「remember to do」和「remember doing」的区别,你知道吗?
❷ 「他不能一直隐藏自己的面目」为什么是这个答案?先复盘,再仔细查查用法

