1. 太阳从西边落下。 【我的答案】The sun turns down in the west. 【标准答案】The sun sets in the west. 【对比分析】turn down ,1 to turn the switch on a machine such as an OVEN,radio etc so that it produces less heat,sound etc;2 to refuse an offer ,request,or invitation set in ,to fasten something into a flat surface so that it does not stick out from it 【解题思路】The sun(主语) sets(谓语) in the west(状语). - 内部关系:动作关系 - 句子时态:一般现在时 - 句子成分:主谓+状 【扩展】 2. 他们暂时待在北京。 【我的答案】They stay in Beijing 【标准答案】They are staying in Beijing. 【对比分析】暂时待在北京,说明现在正在北京,所以是现在进行时,只是表示现在待着,之后会不会待不知道。且stay 有暂住 逗留的意思 【解题思路】They(主语) are staying(谓语) in Beijing(状语