Sphinx - insert argument documentation from parent method

十年热恋 提交于 2020-02-25 22:37:05


I have some classes that inherit from each other. All classes contain the same method (let us call it mymethod), whereby the children overwrite the base class method. I want to generate a documentation for mymethod in all classes using sphinx.

Suppose mymethod takes an argument myargument. This argument has the same type and meaning for both the base method as well as the inherited method. To minimize redundancies, I would like to write the documentation for myargument only for the base class and insert the documentation in the child method's documentation. That is, I do not want to only put a simple reference to the base class but rather dynamically insert the text when I generate the documentation.

Can this be done? How?

Below please find some code illustrating the problem.

class BaseClass
    def mymethod(myargument):
        """This does something

        myargument : int
            Description of the argument


class MyClass1(BaseClass):
    def mymethod(myargument):
        """This does something

        [here I would like to insert in the description of ``myargument`` from ``BaseClass.mymethod``]


class MyClass2(BaseClass):
    def mymethod(myargument, argument2):
        """This does something

        [here I would like to insert in the description of ``myargument`` in ``BaseClass.mymethod``]
        argument2 : int
            Description of the additional argument




Probably not ideal, but maybe you could use a decorator to extend the docstring. For example:

class extend_docstring:
    def __init__(self, method):
        self.doc = method.__doc__

    def __call__(self, function):
        if self.doc is not None:
            doc = function.__doc__
            function.__doc__ = self.doc
            if doc is not None:
                function.__doc__ += doc
        return function

class BaseClass:
    def mymethod(myargument):
        """This does something

        myargument : int
            Description of the argument

class MyClass1(BaseClass):
    def mymethod(myargument):

class MyClass2(BaseClass):
    def mymethod(myargument, argument2):
        """argument2 : int
            Description of the additional argument




This does something

        myargument : int
            Description of the argument

This does something

        myargument : int
            Description of the argument

This does something

        myargument : int
            Description of the argument
        argument2 : int
            Description of the additional argument

The override method could be resolved dynamically if you make the decorator a descriptor and search for it into __get__ but that means the decorator is no longer stackable as it doesn't return the real function.


Based on the answer by @JordanBrière and the answers from “inherit” method documentation from superclass and Is there a way to let classes inherit the documentation of their superclass with sphinx, I came up with a more sophisticated tool that does all the things I want.

In particular:

  • Documentation of single arguments (numpy format) is taken from the superclass if not provided for the child.
    • You may add a new description of the method and renew the documentation of arguments to your liking, but undocumented arguments will be do documented from the super class.
  • Documentation can be replaced, inserted, added, or ignored
    • The particular procedure can be controlled by adding a marker string to the beginning of the header, footer, type, or argument description
    • Description starting with # will be overwritten by the superclass
    • Description starting with <! will be put before the description from the super class
    • Description starting with !> will be put behind the description from the super class
    • Description without starting marker will replace the description from the super class
  • Super classes can have documentation that is not carried over to the children
    • Lines after a line starting with ~+~ will be ignored by inheriting functions
  • The tool is applicable to both entire classes (via metaclasses) and single methods (via decorators). The two can be combined.
  • Via the decorator, multiple methods can be screened for suitable parameter definitions.
    • This is useful if the methods of concern bundles many other methods

The code is at the bottom of this answer.

Usage (1):

class BaseClass(metaclass=DocMetaSuperclass)
    def mymethod(myargument):
        """This does something


        This text will not be seen by the inheriting classes

        myargument : int
            Description of the argument


    def mymethod2(myargument, otherArgument):
        """>!This description is added to the description of mymethod
        (ignoring the section below ``~+~``)

        otherArgument : int
            Description of the other argument
        [here the description of ``myargument`` will be inserted from mymethod]


class MyClass1(BaseClass):
    def mymethod2(myargument):
        """This overwirtes the description of ``BaseClass.mymethod``

        [here the description of ``myargument`` from BaseClass.mymethod2 is inserted
         (which in turn comes from BaseClass.mymethod); otherArgument is ignored]


class MyClass2(BaseClass):
    def mymethod2(myargument, otherArgument):
        """#This description will be overwritten

        myargument : string <- this changes the type description only
        otherArgument [here the type description from BaseClass will be inserted]
            <! This text will be put before the argument description from BaseClass

        BaseClass.mymethod2(myargument, otherArgument)

Usage (2):

def method1(arg1):
    """This does something

    arg1 : type


def method2(arg2):
    """This does something

    arg2 : type


def method3(arg3):
    """This does something

    arg3 : type


@add_doc(method1, method2, method3)
def bundle_method(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """This does something

    [here the parameter descriptions from the other 
     methods will be inserted]


The code:

import inspect
import re 


def should_ignore(string):
    return not string or not string.strip() or string.lstrip().startswith(IGNORE_STR)
def should_insert(string):
    return string.lstrip().startswith(INSERT_STR)
def should_append(string):
    return string.lstrip().startswith(APPEND_STR)

class DocMetaSuperclass(type):
    def __new__(mcls, classname, bases, cls_dict):
        cls = super().__new__(mcls, classname, bases, cls_dict)
        if bases:
            for name, member in cls_dict.items():
                for base in bases:
                    if hasattr(base, name):
                        add_parent_doc(member, getattr(bases[-1], name))
        return cls

def add_doc(*fromfuncs):
    Decorator: Copy the docstring of `fromfunc`
    def _decorator(func):
        for fromfunc in fromfuncs:
            add_parent_doc(func, fromfunc)
        return func
    return _decorator

def strip_private(string:str):
    if PRIVATE_STR not in string:
        return string
    result = ""
    for line in string.splitlines(True):
        if line.strip()[:len(PRIVATE_STR)] == PRIVATE_STR:
            return result
        result += line
    return result

def merge(child_str, parent_str, indent_diff=0, joinstr="\n"):
    parent_str = adjust_indent(parent_str, indent_diff)
    if should_ignore(child_str):
        return parent_str
    if should_append(child_str):
        return joinstr.join([parent_str, re.sub(APPEND_STR, "", child_str, count=1)])
    if should_insert(child_str):
        return joinstr.join([re.sub(INSERT_STR, "", child_str, count=1), parent_str])
    return child_str

def add_parent_doc(child, parent):

    if type(parent) == str:
        doc_parent = parent
        doc_parent = parent.__doc__

    if not doc_parent:

    doc_child = child.__doc__ if child.__doc__ else ""
    if not callable(child) or not (callable(parent) or type(parent) == str):
        indent_child = get_indent_multi(doc_child)
        indent_parent = get_indent_multi(doc_parent)
        ind_diff = indent_child - indent_parent if doc_child else 0

            child.__doc__ = merge(doc_child, strip_private(doc_parent), ind_diff)
        except AttributeError:

    vars_parent, header_parent, footer_parent, indent_parent = split_variables_numpy(doc_parent, True)
    vars_child, header_child, footer_child, indent_child = split_variables_numpy(doc_child)

    if doc_child:
        ind_diff = indent_child - indent_parent 
        ind_diff = 0
        indent_child = indent_parent

    header = merge(header_child, header_parent, ind_diff)
    footer = merge(footer_child, footer_parent, ind_diff)

    variables = inspect.getfullargspec(child)[0]

    varStr = ""

    for var in variables:
        child_var_type, child_var_descr = vars_child.get(var, [None, None]) 
        parent_var_type, parent_var_descr = vars_parent.get(var, ["", ""]) 
        var_type = merge(child_var_type, parent_var_type, ind_diff, joinstr=" ")
        var_descr = merge(child_var_descr, parent_var_descr, ind_diff)
        if bool(var_type) and bool(var_descr):
            varStr += "".join([adjust_indent(" ".join([var, var_type]), 

    if varStr.strip():
        varStr = "\n".join([adjust_indent("\nParameters\n----------", 
                                          indent_child), varStr])

    child.__doc__ = "\n".join([header, varStr, footer])

def adjust_indent(string:str, difference:int) -> str:    
    if not string:
        if difference > 0:
            return " " * difference
            return ""
    if not difference:
        return string
    if difference > 0:
        diff = " " * difference
        return "".join(diff + line for line in string.splitlines(True))
        diff = abs(difference)
        result = ""
        for line in string.splitlines(True):
            if get_indent(line) <= diff:
                result += line.lstrip()
                result += line[diff:]
        return result

def get_indent(string:str) -> int:
    return len(string) - len(string.lstrip())

def get_indent_multi(string:str) -> int:
    lines = string.splitlines()
    if len(lines) > 1:
        return get_indent(lines[1])
        return 0

def split_variables_numpy(docstr:str, stripPrivate:bool=False):

    if not docstr.strip():
        return {}, docstr, "", 0

    lines = docstr.splitlines(True)

    header = ""
    for i in range(len(lines)-1):
        if lines[i].strip() == "Parameters" and lines[i+1].strip() == "----------":
            indent = get_indent(lines[i])
            i += 2
        header += lines[i]
        return {}, docstr, "", get_indent_multi(docstr)

    variables = {}
    while i < len(lines)-1 and lines[i].strip():
        splitted = lines[i].split(maxsplit=1)
        var = splitted[0]
        if len(splitted) > 1:
            varType = splitted[1]
            varType = " "
        varStr = ""
        i += 1
        while i < len(lines) and get_indent(lines[i]) > indent:
            varStr += lines[i]
            i += 1
        if stripPrivate:
            varStr = strip_private(varStr)
        variables[var] = (varType, varStr)

    footer = ""
    while i < len(lines):
        footer += lines[i]
        i += 1

    if stripPrivate:
        header = strip_private(header)
        footer = strip_private(footer)

    return variables, header, footer, indent

