I am trying to fetch this JSON array but didn't get the result. Can someone please tell me how can I do using volley. I need all the data within the booking. Please help me to achieve it.
"code": 200,
"savebooking": [
"Booking": {
"id": "304",
"contributor_id": "16",
"table_of_content_id": "6791",
"composition_id": "7469",
"completion": "2017-06-30",
"approved": null,
"cdn_id": "328301423",
"secret_token": "s-riQMc",
"uploaded_on": "2017-06-16 07:51:35",
"created": "2017-06-16 07:48:31",
"modified": "2017-06-16 07:51:35"
"Booking": {
"id": "305",
"contributor_id": "16",
"table_of_content_id": "6791",
"composition_id": "7470",
"completion": "2017-06-30",
"approved": null,
"cdn_id": "328318377",
"secret_token": "s-naSse",
"uploaded_on": "2017-06-16 10:43:39",
"created": "2017-06-16 07:48:31",
"modified": "2017-06-16 10:43:39"
"Booking": {
"id": "306",
"contributor_id": "16",
"table_of_content_id": "6791",
"composition_id": "7471",
"completion": "2017-06-30",
"approved": null,
"cdn_id": null,
"secret_token": null,
"uploaded_on": null,
"created": "2017-06-16 07:48:31",
"modified": "2017-06-16 07:48:31"
"Booking": {
"id": "307",
"contributor_id": "16",
"table_of_content_id": "6791",
"composition_id": "7472",
"completion": "2017-06-30",
"approved": null,
"cdn_id": null,
"secret_token": null,
"uploaded_on": null,
"created": "2017-06-16 07:48:31",
"modified": "2017-06-16 07:48:31"
How can I parse this JSON response using volley? I have tried this but didn't get the result.
StringRequest postStringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, BOOK_API,
new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
Log.d(TAG, "Response Check :" + response);
try {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response);
JSONObject booking = json.getJSONArray("savebooking").getJSONObject("Booking");
Log.d(TAG, "booking Response Check :" + booking);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Here is
//Here is main response object
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response);
//now get your json array like this
JSONArray booking = json.getJSONArray("savebooking");
// now check the array length > 0
if(booking.length ()> 0){
for(int countItem = 0;countItem<booking.length;countItem++){
JSONObject bookingObject = booking.getJsonObject(countItem);
String id = bookingObject.isNull("id")?"":bookingObject.optString("id");
There are four steps you need to perform to get the data in POJO (Plain Old Java Object) format using Volley and Gson.
- Preparing the request object
- Invoking the API
- Catching the Response
- Parsing the Response
Preparing the request object:
You are preparing a nice StringRequest
. However, since you are getting a JSON object as the response you should use JSONObjectRequest
as follows.
JsonObjectRequest saveBookingsRequest = new JsonObjectRequest(BOOK_API, null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
try {
JSONArray saveBookings = response.getJSONArray("savebooking");
Gson gson = new Gson();
SaveBooking[] bookings = gson.fromJson(books, SaveBooking[].class);
} catch (JSONException e) {
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
Log.e(TAG, error.getMessage());
Invoking the API:
To invoke the prepared request you need a RequestQueue. And, you must add the prepared request to the queue.
RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);
// Add the request to the RequestQueue.
Catching the Response:
This code we already wrote while preparing the Request. We catch response by overriding onResponse()
method of Response.Listener
. In here, we are extracting savebooking
JSONArray from response
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
try {
JSONArray saveBookings = response.getJSONArray("savebooking");
Gson gson = new Gson();
SaveBooking[] bookings = gson.fromJson(books, SaveBooking[].class);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Parsing the Response:
Finally, you need to parse from JSON to POJO. The best library to use for JSON parsing is Gson. For that, you need to create a Booking
class and a wrapper SaveBooking
public class Booking {
public int mId;
public int mContributorId;
public int mTableOfContentId;
public int mCompositionId;
public String completion;
public Object mApproved;
public int mCdnId;
public String mSecretToken;
public String mUploadedOn;
public String mCreated;
public String mModified;
public class SaveBooking {
public Booking booking;
And then in onResponse()
you need to parse the JSON string to an Array of Booking
Gson gson = new Gson();
SaveBooking[] bookings = gson.fromJson(books, SaveBooking[].class);
is of type Object because all values of approved are null.- All
fields are stored asString
. - If you only want
class then you should change the response to removeSaveBooking
wrapper from the JSON response.
In that case, your savebooking
will look like:
"savebooking": [
"id": "304",
"contributor_id": "16",
"table_of_content_id": "6791",
"composition_id": "7469",
"completion": "2017-06-30",
"approved": null,
"cdn_id": "328301423",
"secret_token": "s-riQMc",
"uploaded_on": "2017-06-16 07:51:35",
"created": "2017-06-16 07:48:31",
"modified": "2017-06-16 07:51:35"
"id": "305",
"contributor_id": "16",
"table_of_content_id": "6791",
"composition_id": "7470",
"completion": "2017-06-30",
"approved": null,
"cdn_id": "328318377",
"secret_token": "s-naSse",
"uploaded_on": "2017-06-16 10:43:39",
"created": "2017-06-16 07:48:31",
"modified": "2017-06-16 10:43:39"
You can achieve like this, try to use optJSONArray, optJSONObject and optString like that instead of get, Get will give exception but opt will give you null if you don't have that key.
try {
JSONObject responseObject = new JSONObject(response);
JSONArray saveBookingArray = responseObject.optJSONArray("savebooking");
if (saveBookingArray == null || saveBookingArray.length() == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < saveBookingArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject bookingJsonObject = saveBookingArray.optJSONObject(i);
if(bookingJsonObject == null) {
String id = bookingJsonObject.optString("id");
String contributorId = bookingJsonObject.optString("contributor_id");
String tofId = bookingJsonObject.optString("table_of_content_id");
String compositionId = bookingJsonObject.optString("composition_id");
String completion = bookingJsonObject.optString("completion");
String approved = bookingJsonObject.optString("approved");
String cdnId = bookingJsonObject.optString("cdn_id");
String secretToken = bookingJsonObject.optString("secret_token");
String uploadedOn = bookingJsonObject.optString("uploaded_on");
String created = bookingJsonObject.optString("created");
String modified = bookingJsonObject.optString("modified");
// You can create on Object and add it in list
} catch (JSONException e) {
try this my friend
read json data like this
Booking myBooking= new Booking();
//Here is main response object
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response);
//now you have json array
JSONArray booking = json.getJSONArray("savebooking");
// now get your json array data
if(booking.length ()> 0){
for(int i=0;i<booking.length ();i++){
// now get you all data like this
JSONObject bookingObject = booking.getJsonObject(i);
myBooking.setId( bookingObject.getString("id"));
myBooking.setContributor_id( bookingObject.getString("contributor_id"));
}catch (Exception e){
create one model class like this.
public class Booking {
private String id;
private String contributor_id;
private String table_of_content_id;
private String composition_id;
private String completion;
private String approved;
private String cdn_id ;
private String secret_token;
private String uploaded_on;
private String created;
private String modified;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getContributor_id() {
return contributor_id;
public void setContributor_id(String contributor_id) {
this.contributor_id = contributor_id;
public String getTable_of_content_id() {
return table_of_content_id;
public void setTable_of_content_id(String table_of_content_id) {
this.table_of_content_id = table_of_content_id;
public String getComposition_id() {
return composition_id;
public void setComposition_id(String composition_id) {
this.composition_id = composition_id;
public String getCompletion() {
return completion;
public void setCompletion(String completion) {
this.completion = completion;
public String getApproved() {
return approved;
public void setApproved(String approved) {
this.approved = approved;
public String getCdn_id() {
return cdn_id;
public void setCdn_id(String cdn_id) {
this.cdn_id = cdn_id;
public String getSecret_token() {
return secret_token;
public void setSecret_token(String secret_token) {
this.secret_token = secret_token;
public String getUploaded_on() {
return uploaded_on;
public void setUploaded_on(String uploaded_on) {
this.uploaded_on = uploaded_on;
public String getCreated() {
return created;
public void setCreated(String created) {
this.created = created;
public String getModified() {
return modified;
public void setModified(String modified) {
this.modified = modified;
get json as model using this url
ArrayList<Booking> bookingeventModelList=new Arrayllist();
JSONArray array=new JsonArray("savebooking")
for(int i=0;i<array.size;i++)
Type listType = new TypeToken<List<Booking>>() {
bookingeventModelList= gson.fromJson(array.get(i), listType);
You can either go for GSON library which will parse JsonArray And add it to Model(POJO) or you can manually parse it.
for manual parsing you can try following code
StringRequest postStringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, BOOK_API, new Response.Listener() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
Log.d(TAG, "Response Check :" + response);
try {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(response);
JSONArray bookArray=json.getJSONArray("savebooking");
for (int i=0;i<bookArray.length();i++){
JSONObject bookObject=bookArray.getJSONObject(i);
String id = bookObject.optString("id");
String contributor_id= bookObject.optString("contributor_id");
String tbId = bookObject.optString("table_of_content_id");
String compositionId = bookObject.optString("composition_id");
String completion = bookObject.optString("completion");
String approved = bookObject.optString("approved");
String cdnId = bookObject.optString("cdn_id");
String secretToken = bookObject.optString("secret_token");
String uploadedOn = bookObject.optString("uploaded_on");
String created = bookObject.optString("created");
String modified = bookObject.optString("modified");
list.add(new YourModelName(id,contributor_id,.....)) //all required parameters
} catch (JSONException e) {