I just ran into something in Visual Studio 2010 RC that wasn't previously happening (like, yesterday). No software changes here, but I did run into some muck yesterday when compiling that required a reboot.
I am unable to add LINQ to SQL classes to any project through the add dialog. I have created ASP.NET web sites, ASP.NET MVC projects - both of these as 'templated' and as 'empty' - and there appear to be no templates installed or available.
alt text http://bandofgeeks.net/blogimages/code/notemplate.png
I have made sure that the project targets the 4.0 Framework. I can easily add a new database and the ADO.NET entity framework templates are there.
As a workaround I can copy a DBML file to my project, delete all tables and sprocs, update the connection string and use the leftover shell (the designer works fine like this), but it's a pain.
Has anyone else had their templates drop? Figured out how to reinstall them?
In previous versions of Visual Studio, you were able to "reset" the default template registration using this command line switch when launching VS:
devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates
I haven't tried it with Visual Studio 2010 yet - but it might be worth a try! It's definitely available - see the MSDN docs on VS 2005 command line switches.