I'm trying to understand arrow notation, in particularly how it works with Monads. With Monads I can define the following:
f = (*2)
g = Just 5 >>= (return . f)
and g
is Just 10
How do I do the above but using arrow notation?
Changing your Monad thinking to Arrow thinking
The first step to translating into Arrow is to move from thinking about m b
on its own to thinking about a -> m b
With a monad, you'd write
use x = do
doThis = do
thing = doThis >>= use
whereas an arrow always has an input, so you'd have to do
doThis' _ = do
and then use (>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
from Control.Monad
do have
thing' = doThis' >=> use
removes the asymmetry of >>=
, and is what we would call the Kleisli arrow of the Monad.
Using ()
for input or "What if my first thing really isn't a function though?"
That's OK, it's just the co-problem to if your monad doesn't produce anything (like putStrLn doesn't), whereupon you just get it to return ()
If your thing doesn't need any data, just make it a function that takes ()
as an argument.
doThis () = do .... ....
that way everthing has the signature a -> m b
and you can chain them with >=>
Arrows have input and output, but no function
Arrows have the signature
Arrow a => a b c
which is perhaps less clear than the infix
Arrow (~>) => b ~> c
but you should still be thinking of it as analagous to b -> m c
The main difference is that with b -> m c
you have your b
as an argument to a function and can do what you like with it, like if b == "war" then launchMissiles else return ()
but with an arrow you can't (unless it's an ArrowApply - see this question for why ArrowApply gives you Monad capabilities) - in general, an arrow just does what it does and doesn't get to switch operation based on the data, a bit like an Applicative does.
Converting Monads to Arrows
The problem with b -> m c
is that there you can't partially apply it in an instance declaration to get the -> m
bit from the middle, so given that b -> m c
is called a Kleisli arrow, Control.Monad
defines (>>>)
so that after all the wrapping and unwrapping, you get f >>> g
= \x -> f x >>= g
- but this is equivalent to (>>>) = (>=>)
. (In fact, (.)
is defined for Categories, rather than the forwards composition >>>
, but I did say equivalent!)
newtype Kleisli m a b = Kleisli { runKleisli :: a -> m b }
instance Monad m => Category (Kleisli m) where
id = Kleisli return
(Kleisli f) . (Kleisli g) = Kleisli (\b -> g b >>= f) -- composition of Kleisli arrows
instance Monad m => Arrow (Kleisli m) where
arr f = Kleisli (return . f)
first (Kleisli f) = Kleisli (\ ~(b,d) -> f b >>= \c -> return (c,d))
second (Kleisli f) = Kleisli (\ ~(d,b) -> f b >>= \c -> return (d,c))
Your example, at last
(Try to ignore all the Kleisli
and runKleisli
- they're just wrapping and unwrapping monadic values - when you define your own arrow, they're not necessary.)
If we unwrap what that means for the Maybe
, we get the equivalent of composing
f :: a -> Maybe b
g :: b -> Maybe c
f >>> g :: a -> Maybe c
f >>> g = \a -> case f a of -- not compilable code!
Nothing -> Nothing
Just b -> g b
and the Arrow way of applying a (pure) function is with arr :: Arrow (~>) => (b -> c) -> b ~> c
I'll fix (~->)
to mean Kleisli Maybe
so you can see it in action:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Control.Arrow
type (~->) = Kleisli Maybe
g :: Integer ~-> Integer
g = Kleisli Just >>> arr (*2)
ghci> runKleisli g 10
Just 20
Like do
notation, but with input as well as output. (GHC)
GHC implements the equivalent of do
notation, proc
notation, which lets you do
output <- arrow -< input
You're used to output <- monad
but now there's the arrow -< input
notation. Just as with Monads, you don't do <-
on the last line, you don't do that in proc
notation either.
Let's use the Maybe versions of tail and read from safe to illustrate the notation (and advertise safe
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
import Control.Arrow
import Safe
this = proc inputList -> do
digits <- Kleisli tailMay -< inputList
number <- Kleisli readMay -<< digits
arr (*10) -<< number
Notice I've used the -<<
variant of -<
, which lets you use output as input by bringing things on the left of <-
into scope at the right of -<
Clearly this
is equivalent to Kleisli tailMay >>> Kleisli readMay >>> arr (*10)
, but it's just (!) to give you the idea.
ghci> runKleisli this "H1234" -- works
Just 1234
ghci> runKleisli this "HH1234" -- readMay fails
ghci> runKleisli this "" -- tailMay fails
ghci> runKleisli this "10" -- works
Just 0
All that ()
Like I said, we use ()
if we don't have input, and as we do in Monad, return it if we don't need to output anything.
You'll see ()
in proc
notation examples too:
thing = proc x -> do
this <- thing1 -< ()
() <- thing2 -< x
returnA -< this
First we need an arrow with the same semantics as the Maybe
monad. We could define it from scratch, but the easiest way is to wrap the Maybe
monad into Kleisli:
type MaybeArrow = Kleisli Maybe
Then we'll also need a way how to run this monad to extract the result:
runMaybeArrow :: MaybeArrow () a -> Maybe a
runMaybeArrow = flip runKleisli ()
Also it'll be handy to have a way how to create a constant arrow from a given value (which just ignores its input):
val :: (Arrow a) => c -> a b c
val = arr . const
And finally, we get:
g' = runMaybeArrow (val 5 >>> arr f)