This might seem like a stupid question but i really need help. I don't often post question but this time i really help.
I need to have a linq to sql query that groups multiple columns. But not just that, one of the columns have specific that also need to be grouped base on certain condition
The Query i have is this one.
using (var donnée = new ClassDonnéeDataContext(mycontrng))
var don = from d in donnée.Reservations
where (d.Date_Livraison.Value.Date == startDate.Value.Date) && d.Sortie_Cuisine != "Oui" && d.Livraison != "Annulée" && (d.Reserv_Boutique == "Non" || d.Reserv_Boutique == null)
group d by new
Gateau = d.Gateau,
Heure = d.Heure_Livraison,
Nb_Part = d.Part,
} into grs
select new
Gateau = grs.Key.Gateau,
Heure = grs.Key.Heure,
Nombre = grs.Sum(x => x.Nombre),
Nb_Part = grs.Key.Nb_Part,
var order = from ord in don
orderby ord.Heure ascending
select ord;
dgv.DataSource = order;
The result i'm looking for is to have The columns "Heure_Livraison"
to be grouped by specific critiria.
The result of the Query is as follow.
Gateau: Heure: Nombre: Nb_Part:
Foret Noire 10 2 6
Ganache 10 2 6
Foret Noire 11 2 6
Ganache 11 2 6
Ganache 12 1 6
Now i want to add all the Cake of the same name, same Nb_Part Between
So the result Will like
Gateau: Heure: Nombre: Nb_Part:
Foret Noire 10 4 6
Ganache 10 5 6
Please if anyone has a suggestion to this question, give it to me !!!``
I finally get to solve the problem by creating a separate column and specify the data to be stored in that column so that after when quering i just have to pick that column.
Thank you for comment !!!!