How to add numbers and display them to the console in a bootloader?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-02-05 15:49:28


I'm creating bootloader that should plus 512 to variable and print result until reaching the specified number. For me, it is 4194304, but the problem is that I really don't understand how to plus these numbers, because at the end I always get nothing or corrupted string. So how should I plus numbers correct?

cpu 386
bits 16
org 0h

    xor ax,ax
    mov ss,ax
    mov sp,7c00h           ; setup stack

    mov ax,8000h
    mov es,ax              ; initialize es w/ 8000h
    mov ds,ax              ; initialize ds w/ 8000h


    mov ax,0206h           ;function/# of sec to read
    mov cx,0001h           ;0-5 sec # (counts from one), 6-7 hi cyl bits

    mov dh,00h             ;dh=head dl=drive (bit 7=hdd)
    mov bx,0h              ;data buffer, points to es:0
    int 13h
    cmp ah,0
    jne load_prog          ;this is allowable because it is relative


    mov eax, [NUMBERS]
    add eax, 512           ;I think this have to plus numbers, so result have to be 512 = 0 + 512
    mov [NUMBERS], eax     ;And this i think have to store result to NUMBERS

    mov si, msg0
    push ax
    mov al,[si]
    cmp al,0
    jz print_2
    mov ah,0x0e
    int 0x10
    inc si
    jmp printchar_1

    mov si, [NUMBERS]
    push ax
    mov al,[si]
    cmp al,0
    jz print_3
    mov ah,0x0e
    int 0x10
    inc si
    jmp printchar_2

    mov si, msg1
    push ax
    mov al,[si]
    cmp al,0
    jz next
    mov ah,0x0e
    int 0x10
    inc si
    jmp printchar_3

    jmp done


    msg0 db 'Counted numbers ',0
    msg1 db ' of 4194304',13,10,0
    NUMBERS dd 0
    times 510-($-$$) db 0
    db 55h,0aah
    times 4096-($-$$) db 0


TL;DR : It appears your main problem is that storing a number to memory using MOV instruction doesn't convert the value to a string. You must write the code to convert integers to strings.

You can use repeated division to convert a value in a register (EAX) to a different base (Base 10 for decimal digits). The general algorithm is

val = number to convert
  digit = val MOD 10     ; digit = remainder of val/10
  val   = val DIV 10     ; val = quotient of val/10 
  digit = digit + '0'    ; Convert digit to character value by adding '0'
  Store digit
until val == 0

If you have the number 1234:

  • 1234/10=123 remainder 4 (digit)
  • 123/10=12 remainder 3 (digit)
  • 12/10=1 remainder 2 (digit)
  • 1/10=0 remainder 1 (digit)
  • Done

You'll observe that as we repeatedly divide by 10 we get the digits 4,3,2,1 which is reverse of what we want which is 1,2,3,4. You can come up with a mechanism to deal with reversing the string. One quick and dirty way is to push the digit on the stack in the reversed order and then you can pop each one back off the stack in the correct order. You could store each digit in a buffer in reverse order.

Since you are trying to display 32-bit unsigned numbers you will need to division with val in EAX. 64-bit division is done with value in EDX:EAX (where EDX is set to 0) by 10. The x86 instruction DIV computes quotient (returned in EAX) and remainder (returned in EDX).

I recommend moving commonly used code into functions to reduce repetition, simplify development, and make the code easier to maintain

Create a function uint32_to_str that uses repeated division by 10 storing the ASCII digits on the stack as they are computed. At the end the ASCII digits are popped of the stack and stored into a buffer passed to the function. This works similar to the itoa function in that the number is always written at the start of the buffer. When finished the buffer is NUL(0) terminated. The function prototype could look like:

; uint32_to_str
; Parameters:
;     EAX   = 32-bit unsigned value to print
;     ES:DI = buffer to store NUL terminated ASCII string
; Returns:
;     None
; Clobbered:
;     None

Your code also prints strings. create a print_str function with a prototype:

; print_str
; Parameters:
;     DS:SI = NUL terminated ASCII string to print
; Returns:
;     None
; Clobbered:
;     None

These are just example prototypes. You can choose to pass value and addresses in whichever registers you choose. You can also decide if your functions return a value and which registers are clobbered. In this code I preserve all the registers that are used. You can choose to preserve some or all of them, that is up to you.

Your bootloader could then look something like:

cpu 386
bits 16
org 0h

    xor ax,ax
    mov ss,ax
    mov sp,7c00h               ; setup stack

    mov ax,8000h
    mov es,ax                  ; initialize es w/ 8000h
    mov ds,ax                  ; initialize ds w/ 8000h


    mov ax,0206h               ; function/# of sec to read
    mov cx,0001h               ; 0-5 sec # (counts from one), 6-7 hi cyl bits

    mov dh,00h                 ; dh=head dl=drive (bit 7=hdd)
    mov bx,0h                  ; data buffer, points to es:0
    int 13h
    cmp ah,0
    jne load_prog              ; this is allowable because it is relative


    mov eax, [NUMBERS]
    add eax, 512               ; Advance value by 512

    mov si, msg0
    call print_str

    mov di, strbuf             ; ES:DI points to string buffer to store to
    call uint32_to_str         ; Convert 32-bit unsigned value in EAX to ASCII string

    mov si, di                 ; DS:SI points to string buffer to print
    call print_str

    mov si, msg1
    call print_str

    cmp eax, 1024*4096         ; End loop at 4194304 (1024*4096)
    jl next                    ; Continue until we reach limit

    mov [NUMBERS], eax         ; Store final value in NUMBERS

    jmp done

; print_str
; Parameters:
;     DS:SI = NUL terminated ASCII string to print
; Returns:
;     None
; Clobbered:
;     None

    push ax
    push di

    mov ah,0x0e
    lodsb                      ; Same as mov al,[si] and inc si
    test al, al                ; Same as cmp al,0
    jz .end
    int 0x10
    jmp .getchar

    pop di
    pop ax

; uint32_to_str
; Parameters:
;     EAX   = 32-bit unsigned value to print
;     ES:DI = buffer to store NUL terminated ASCII string
; Returns:
;     None
; Clobbered:
;     None

    push edx
    push eax
    push ecx
    push bx
    push di

    xor bx, bx                 ; Digit count
    mov ecx, 10                ; Divisor

    xor edx, edx               ; Division will use 64-bit dividend in EDX:EAX
    div ecx                    ; Divide EDX:EAX by 10
                               ;     EAX=Quotient
                               ;     EDX=Remainder(the current digit)
    add dl, '0'                ; Convert digit to ASCII
    push dx                    ; Push on stack so digits can be popped off in
                               ;     reverse order when finished

    inc bx                     ; Digit count += 1
    test eax, eax
    jnz .digloop               ; If dividend is zero then we are finished
                               ;     converting the number

    ; Get digits from stack in reverse order we pushed them
    pop ax
    stosb                      ; Same as mov [ES:DI], al and inc di
    dec bx
    jne .popdigloop            ; Loop until all digits have been popped

    mov al, 0
    stosb                      ; NUL terminate string
                               ; Same as mov [ES:DI], al and inc di

    pop di
    pop bx
    pop ecx
    pop eax
    pop edx

    NUMBERS dd 0
    msg0    db 'Counted numbers ',0
    msg1    db ' of 4194304',13,10,0

    ; String buffer to hold ASCII string of 32-bit unsigned number
    strbuf times 11 db 0

    times 510-($-$$) db 0
    db 55h,0aah
    times 4096-($-$$) db 0

Alternative Versions of the Functions

I would generally use code that jumps into the middle of the loop to allow the exit condition (character being zero) to be done at the end rather than the middle. This avoids having to do the unconditional JMP instruction at the end:

; print_str
; Parameters:
;     DS:SI = NUL terminated ASCII string to print
; Returns:
;     None
; Clobbered:
;     None

    push ax
    push di

    mov ah,0x0e
    jmp .getchar               ; Start by getting next character
    int 0x10
    lodsb                      ; Same as mov al,[si] and inc si
    test al, al                ; Is it NUL terminator?
    jnz .printchar             ; If not print character and repeat

    pop di
    pop ax

The original uint32_to_str was designed to always return the string starting at the beginning of the buffer passed. This is similar behaviour to C's nonstandard function itoa where the address of the buffer passed is the same address returned by the function.

One can dramatically simplify the code by removing the pushes and pops used to reverse the string. This can be done by writing the ASCII digits starting at a position in the output buffer where the NUL terminator will appear. The ASCII digits are inserted into the buffer from the end of the string towards the beginning as they are computed. The address returned from the function may be in the middle of the buffer passed. The start of the string of digits is returned back to the caller via the DI register in this code:

; uint32_to_str
; Parameters:
;     EAX   = 32-bit unsigned value to print.
;     ES:DI = buffer to store NUL terminated ASCII string.
;             buffer must be at a minimum 11 bytes in length to
;             hold the largest unsigned decimal number that
;             can be represented in 32-bits including a 
;             NUL terminator.
; Returns:
;     ES:DI   Points to beginning of buffer where the string starts.
;             This may not be the same address that was passed as a
;             parameter in DI initially. DI may point to a position in
;             in the middle of the buffer.
; Clobbered:
;     None

    MAX_OUT_DIGITS equ 10      ; Largest unsigned int represented in 32-bits is 10 bytes

    push edx
    push eax
    push ecx

    mov ecx, 10                ; Divisor
    add di, MAX_OUT_DIGITS     ; Start at a point in the buffer we
                               ;     can move backwards from that can handle
                               ;     a 10 digit number and NUL terminator
    mov byte [es:di], 0        ; NUL terminate string

    xor edx, edx               ; Division will use 64-bit dividend in EDX:EAX
    div ecx                    ; Divide EDX:EAX by 10
                               ;     EAX=Quotient
                               ;     EDX=Remainder(the current digit)
    add dl, '0'                ; Convert digit to ASCII
    dec di                     ; Move to previous position in buffer
    mov [es:di], dl            ; Store the digit in the buffer

    test eax, eax
    jnz .digloop               ; If dividend is zero then we are finished
                               ;     converting the number

    pop ecx
    pop eax
    pop edx


  • I'm unsure why you read the boot sector and extra sectors into memory at 0x0000:0x8000, but I have kept that code as is. That code works but I'm unsure why you are doing it.
  • Since you used the directive CPU 386 and were using 32-bit register EAX I created the code to use 32-bit registers when needed but used 16-bit registers otherwise. This cuts down on unnecessary instruction prefixes that bloat the code. This code will run in real-mode only on a system with a 386+ processor as a result. You can do 32-bit division using 16-bit registers but it is more complex and beyond the scope of this answer.

