In Leaflet, how does one restrict the viewable part of a tile to the area contained within a polygon (or geojson), i.e., the intersection between a polygon and the tile beneath.
Example use: display only one country and hide all others.
EDIT: I'm not looking for the fitBounds/setMaxBounds method but for a way to display only the inner area of a polygon.
You can use the map.setMaxBounds(L.latLngBounds)
method to restrict the view.
For restricting the map view:
map.fitBounds(polygon.getBounds()); // max zoom to see whole polygon
map.setMaxBounds(polygon.getBounds()); // restrict map view to polygon bounds
map.options.minZoom = map.getZoom(); // restrict user to zoom out
When you want to revert this:
delete map.options.maxBounds; // remove the maxBounds object from the map options
map.options.minZoom = 0; // set min-zoom to 0 = no restriciton
I have setup a jsfiddle where you can see the behaviour: jsfiddle
I have updated the jsfiddle to use a multipolygon and hide all of the world except this triangle. The only problem is that during zoom you can still see other parts of the map. jsfiddle2
Late reply, but for others looking, the Leaflet Boundary Canvas layer may do what you need. You can pass it a polygon or multipolygon, and it will obscure all other areas of the map.