NSUnknownKeyException setValue:forUndefinedKey: [duplicate]

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-11-27 14:46:13

Check your references of your outlets in your XIB, one of them is probably referencing a property (buttonOfFirstView) that does not exist anymore

Set File's Owner class to NSObject and set UITableViewCell class to your custom class in XIB. It will solve the issue :)

This is exactly an issue related to the key buttonOfFirstView in your case.If it is a button it may be connected wrongly in any of your xibs

Quit the iOS simulator. Make sure you save the project and then quit xCode and restart and everything will be fine. I did that and it worked for me. that's if everything else is hooked up correctly.

you need to clean your project: go to Product -> Clean

this works for me
