Run database migration (mongodb) with node.js

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-02-01 17:39:26


I'm looking for a node module to make mongo database migrations. So far I found mongo-migrate, but not really powerful enough. (Better than nothing but I need more, I'm used to use the Ruby migration which was really powerful!)

I found another one few weeks ago, powerful but doesn't deal with mongoDb, only with MySQL, PostGre and so on.

Do you know a module or something that could help me? I mean, I'm not the first person to want to deal with DB migrations, how do you manage that? My project will be big and I need control.

Here an example of what I did so far:


var mongodb = require('mongodb');

exports.up = function(db, next){

    var documentName = 'category';
    var collection = mongodb.Collection(db, documentName);
    var index;
    var indexOptions;

     * Create indexes.
    index = { "code": 1 };
    indexOptions = { unique: true };
    collection.ensureIndex( index, {unique: true, w: 1}, function(error, data){
        console.log(error ? error : documentName + ': [ensureIndex] ' + JSON.stringify(index) + JSON.stringify(indexOptions));

    index = { "name": 1 };
    indexOptions = { unique: true };
    collection.ensureIndex( index, {unique: true, w: 1}, function(error, data){
        console.log(error ? error : documentName + ': [ensureIndex] ' + JSON.stringify(index) + JSON.stringify(indexOptions));

     * Create basic data.
        code: 'a',
        name: 'languageStatus'
    }, {w: 1}, function(error, data){
        console.log(error ? error : documentName + ': [insert] ' + JSON.stringify(data));
        code: 'b',
        name: 'accessName'
    }, {w: 1}, function(error, data){
        console.log(error ? error : documentName + ': [insert] ' + JSON.stringify(data));
        code: 'c',
        name: 'roleName'
    }, {w: 1}, function(error, data){
        console.log(error ? error : documentName + ': [insert] ' + JSON.stringify(data));
        code: 'd',
        name: 'translationStatus'
    }, {w: 1}, function(error, data){
        console.log(error ? error : documentName + ': [insert] ' + JSON.stringify(data));

     * Display index information.
    collection.indexInformation(function(error, data){
        console.log(error ? error : documentName + ': [indexes] ' + JSON.stringify(data));


exports.down = function(db, next){
    var documentName = 'category';
    var document = mongodb.Collection(db, documentName);

    var query = {
        $or: [
            {name: 'languageStatus'},
            {name: 'accessName'},
            {name: 'roleName'},
            {name: 'translationStatus'}
    document.find(query, function(error, data){
        data.each(function(error, data){
            document.remove(data, {w: 1}, function(error, number){
                console.log(error ? error : documentName + ': [remove] (' + number + ') ' + JSON.stringify(data));



I just developed this one: - you can also find on npm.

We needed a good node migration framework for mongodb, but could not find any - so we built one.

It has lots of better features than the regular migration frameworks:

  • Checksum (issues an error when a previosuly ran migration does not match its old version)
  • Persists migration state to mongo (there is no regular state file)
  • Full support to replica sets
  • Automatic handle rollbacks (developers must specify the rollback procedures)
  • Ability to run multiple migrations (sync or async) at the same time
  • Ability to run migrations against different databases at the same time


Take a look at it seems to be more feature rich, mature and maintained.

