Angular Material Side Bar with “Half” side mode

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-01-31 09:05:32


I am working on the dynamic side bar for our project, basically what we want to do is to set up a dynamic side bar when user click on the side bar it will spread when user click back sidebar should collapse and show only icons (but not totally collapse it will keep the icons) for example before user click the icon. We are using sidenav.toggle()from angular material function which basically closes the sidebar completely and if I don't use toggle() function "Side" mode for navbar does not work. So I want collapse to icon with side mode. (The other reason we need to keep the side mode is that we also need to make sure when user spread the sidebar, right side content should push to right)

After user click the icon

Is there a way to do that?



Option 1: Generating Automatically:

You can create a navigation component from templates provided by Material itself using 'Angular CLI component schematics'

ng generate @angular/material:nav your-component-name

The above command will generate a new component that includes a toolbar with the app name and a responsive side nav based on Material breakpoints. See more about angular material schematics here

Option 2: Implementing Manually:

To implement that, you just have to refer these two links:

  • Resizing Sidenav | Angular Material
  • Navigation List | Angular Material

glance through the following code. Implementation will be something like this:

<mat-drawer-container class="example-container mat-typography" autosize>
  <mat-drawer #drawer mode="side" disableClose="true" opened="true">
    <button mat-mini-fab (click)="isExpanded = !isExpanded" color="warn" style="margin: 10px;">
      <mat-icon aria-label="Menu">menu</mat-icon>

        <mat-icon mat-list-icon>person</mat-icon>
        <h4 mat-line *ngIf="isExpanded">Management A</h4>
        <mat-icon mat-list-icon>assignment</mat-icon>
        <h4 mat-line *ngIf="isExpanded">Management B</h4>
        <mat-icon mat-list-icon>domain</mat-icon>
        <h4 mat-line *ngIf="isExpanded">Management C</h4>
        <mat-icon mat-list-icon>folder_shared</mat-icon>
        <h4 mat-line *ngIf="isExpanded">Management X</h4>

  <div class="example-sidenav-content">
    You cards and screen Contents goes here..
    Will be pushed towards right on expanding side navbar.


There is a feature request for this

if you read the comments you'll also find a few examples on how to implement it yourself while it's not officialy available.

