How to deploy nativescript-barcodescanner in typescript?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-30 11:48:05


I am trying to run demo from both locally and online at but no luck. On the playground I have added the plugin.

I noticed there is a similar question here How to use BarcodeScanner plugin from NativeScript but seems it's 3 years before and the plugin changed a lot after that.

Can anyone try the playground and tell which line I got wrong? I strictly followed the demo in github. The error message is Can't find variable: QRCodeReaderDelegate


With Playground (online) Or Preview command (locally), You can not use plugin those require native dependency such as Barcode Scanner.

You will have to build the project using tns [run|build] commands locally, only then the native dependencies will be installed and you will be able to run them successfully.

