I have got a BulletedList
with DisplayMode="HyperLink"
<asp:BulletedList runat="server" DisplayMode="HyperLink" ID="LevelsList"></asp:BulletedList>
I add items to the list with this code: LevelsList.Items.Add(new ListItem(curSubPage.PageName, curSubPage.shortURL));
The URL links contain Hebrew strings and they get encoded:
The markup the the asp.net generates is something like that:
<a href="%d7%91%d7%a0%d7%99%d7%99%d7%aa_%d7%90%d7%a4%d7%9c%d7%99%d7%a7%d7%a6%d7%99%d7%95%d7%aa_%d7%90%d7%99%d7%a0%d7%98%d7%a8%d7%a0%d7%98%d7%99%d7%95%d7%aa">בניית אפליקציות אינטרנטיות</a>
While the right markup should be:
<a href="בניית_אפליקציות_אינטרנטיות">בניית אפליקציות אינטרנטיות</a>
How do I fix it?
From quick investigation, looks like ASP.NET is encoding it in its "low level" code, so no direct solution.
You can simply write your own Bulleted List using custom Repeater:
<asp:Repeater id="rptLevelsList" runat="server">
<li><a href="<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Value") %>"><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Text") %></a></li>
And to bind it in code behind:
List<ListItem> links = new List<ListItem>();
links.Add(new ListItem("my page", "Somepage.aspx"));
links.Add(new ListItem("משהו בעברית", "http://www.כתובת_כלשהי_כאן.com"));
rptLevelsList.DataSource = links;
Note that from what I've seen, IE8 still does not support non english URL address - the above link is not clickable in that browser, while Chrome let you click it, but encode the URL to something else as well.