WooCommerce exclude certain product attributes from shop page

二次信任 提交于 2020-01-24 19:38:09


I've been wracking my brain on this one. Currently, to display all custom product attributes on the shop page (not to be confused with the product page) I'm using:

function show_attr() {
   global $product;
   echo '<div class="attributes">';

This works just fine, and displays all product attributes, but I only want to include certain ones. I have also tried following this person's advice:

<?php foreach ( $attributes as $attribute ) :
    if ( empty( $attribute['is_visible'] ) || 'CSC Credit' == $attribute['name'] || ( $attribute['is_taxonomy'] && ! taxonomy_exists( $attribute['name'] ) ) ) {
    } else {
        $has_row = true;

So that unfortunately did not work either. I was able to remove the desired attribute, but it removes it on EVERY page, and I want to exclude it only from the shop page.

I see that the $attribute variable has this [is_visible] condition. Does anyone have any ideas of how I might remove that for specific attributes on the shop page? I'm at a total loss. Thanks for any and all help.


As mentioned in my comment you can control the attributes for any give product via the woocommerce_get_product_attributes filter. The $attributes passing through this filter are in an associative array of arrays. with the attribute's "slug" as the array key. As an example a var_dump() might reveal the following $attributes.

array (size=1)
  'pa_color' => 
    array (size=6)
      'name' => string 'pa_color' (length=8)
      'value' => string '' (length=0)
      'position' => string '0' (length=1)
      'is_visible' => int 0
      'is_variation' => int 1
      'is_taxonomy' => int 1

If the attribute is a taxonomy, the slug will be prefaced with "pa_" which I've always assumed stood for product attribute. An attribute that is not a taxonomy will just have it's name for the slug, ex: "size".

Using WooCommerce Conditional tags you can specifically target the attributes only on the shop page.

Here are two example filters, the first is for excluding a specific attribute:

// Exclude a certain product attribute on the shop page
function so_39753734_remove_attributes( $attributes ) {

    if( is_shop() ){
        if( isset( $attributes['pa_color'] ) ){
            unset( $attributes['pa_color'] );

    return $attributes;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_get_attributes', 'so_39753734_remove_attributes' );

And the latter is for building up a custom list of attributes based on attributes you do wish to include.

// Include only a certain product attribute on the shop page
function so_39753734_filter_attributes( $attributes ) {

    if( is_shop() ){
        $new_attributes = array();

        if( isset( $attributes['pa_color'] ) ){
            $new_attributes['pa_color'] = $attributes['pa_color'] ;

        $attributes = $new_attributes;


    return $attributes;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_get_attributes', 'so_39753734_filter_attributes' );

Updated Mar 29, 2018 with woocommerce_product_get_attributes since woocommerce_get_product_attributes is deprecated.


Try this!

if (is_page('shop')) {
    foreach ( $attributes as $attribute ) :
        if ( empty( $attribute['is_visible'] ) || 'CSC Credit' == $attribute['name'] || ( $attribute['is_taxonomy'] && ! taxonomy_exists( $attribute['name'] ) ) ) {
        } else {
            $has_row = true;

