File Upload in Java OFBiz?

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-01-16 04:51:11


I have a form that has an option for uploading file

<form type="upload" name="myForm" target="rgUsrStory">
      <field name="st_title" title="${uiLabelMap.uStoryTitle}"><text/></field>
      <field name="upload_file" title="${uiLabelMap.UploadFile}"><file/></field>
      <field name="submitButton" title="${uiLabelMap.submit}"><submit/></field>

request map:

<request-map uri="rgUsrStory">
     <security https="true" auth="true"/>
      <event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.webapp.control.usrStory" invoke="rgUsrStory" />
    <response name="success" type="view" value="main"/>
    <response name="error" type="view" value="login"/>

The event function is working properly, but i need to upload the file also to the server and details of that file to the table named as 'documents', but i don't know how to do that, i searched throw the web but only i found using ftl, also want to control the file type of defined file that i want to display those file types as allowed file in form during adding user story. For any guide and help thanks.


Please have a look at the image upload functionality in the OFBiz content manager.

There's a form

<form name="ImageUpload" target="uploadImage" title="" type="upload"  default-map-name="currentValue"
    header-row-style="header-row" default-table-style="basic-table">
    <field name="dataResourceId" title="${uiLabelMap.ContentDataResourceId}"><display/></field>
    <field name="dataResourceTypeId" ><hidden/></field>
    <field name="objectInfo" title="${uiLabelMap.ContentUploadedFile}"><display /></field>
    <field name="imageData" entity-name="ImageDataResource" title="${uiLabelMap.ContentFile}"><file/></field>
    <field name="submitButton" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonUpload}" widget-style="smallSubmit"><submit button-type="button"/></field>

The corresponding request in the controller.xml

<request-map uri="uploadImage">
    <security auth="true" https="true"/>
    <event invoke="persistContentAndAssoc" path="" type="service"/>
    <response name="success" type="request" value="UploadImage"/>
    <response name="error" type="view" value="UploadImage"/>

The service name in services.xml lead you to the service method

<service name="persistContentAndAssoc" engine="java" transaction-timeout="7200"
        location="org.ofbiz.content.ContentManagementServices" invoke="persistContentAndAssoc" auth="true">
    <description>Create a Content, DataResource and/or ContentAssoc</description>
    <permission-service service-name="genericContentPermission" main-action="CREATE"/>

In org.ofbiz.content.ContentManagementServices#persistContentAndAssoc the uploaded file is read by

ByteBuffer imageDataBytes = (ByteBuffer) context.get("imageData");

(the corresponding form field).

You will find some other functionality like dealing with the mime type there.

