Eclipse CDT: How to write to .cproject file and read back

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-15 11:09:07


How to write programmatically to .cproject file and read back (in Eclipse CDT)?

A class implementing AbstractCPropertyTab has checkboxes and name and boolean state of these should be saved to .cproject.


I solved my own question. Maybe someone finds this useful.

I will introduce two methods: one for saving checked state of the checkboxes on the table and one to initialize the checkbox values.

 * Saves checked state of the packages.
private void saveChecked() { 
    ICConfigurationDescription desc = getResDesc().getConfiguration();
    ICStorageElement strgElem = null;
    try {
        strgElem = desc.getStorage(PACKAGES, true);
    } catch (CoreException e) {

    TableItem[] items = pkgCfgViewer.getTable().getItems();
    for(TableItem item : items) {
        if(item != null) {
            String chkd;
            if(item.getChecked()) {
                chkd = "true";
            } else {
                chkd = "false";
            try {  
                String pkgName = item.getText();
                strgElem.setAttribute(pkgName, chkd);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                 * INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: An invalid or
                 * illegal XML character is specified. 

 * Initializes the check state of the packages from the storage.
private void initializePackageStates() {
    ICConfigurationDescription desc = getResDesc().getConfiguration();
    ICStorageElement strgElem = null;
    try {
        strgElem = desc.getStorage(PACKAGES, true);
    } catch (CoreException e) {
    TableItem[] items = pkgCfgViewer.getTable().getItems();
    for(TableItem item : items) {
        String value = strgElem.getAttribute(item.getText());
        if(value!=null) {
            if(value.equals("true")) {

