Strange problems when using requests and multiprocessing

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-14 12:43:51


Please check this python code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
import multiprocessing
from time import sleep, time
from requests import async

def do_req():
    r = requests.get("")

def do_sth():    
    while True:

if __name__ == '__main__':        
    multiprocessing.Process( target=do_sth, args=() ).start()

When I press Ctrl-C (wait 2sec after run - let Process run), it doesn't stop. When I change the import order to:

from requests import async
from time import sleep, time

it stops after Ctrl-C. Why it doesn't stop/kill in first example?

It's a bug or a feature?


  • Yes I know, that I didn't use async in this code, this is just stripped down code. In real code I use it. I did it to simplify my question.
  • After pressing Ctrl-C there is a new (child) process running. Why?
  • multiprocessing.__version__ == 0.70a1, requests.__version__ == 0.11.2, gevent.__version__ == 0.13.7


Requests async module uses gevent. If you look at the source code of gevent you will see that it monkey patches many of Python's standard library functions, including sleep:

request.async module during import executes:

    from gevent import monkey as curious_george
    # Monkey-patch.
    curious_george.patch_all(thread=False, select=False)

Looking at the module of gevent you can see:

def patch_time():
    """Replace :func:`time.sleep` with :func:`gevent.sleep`."""
    from gevent.hub import sleep
    import time
    patch_item(time, 'sleep', sleep)

Take a look at the code from the gevent's repository for details.

