I have the following json:
"data": [
"timestamp": "2019-11-07T00:23:52.095Z",
"symbol": "XBTUSD",
"side": "Buy",
"size": 1,
"price": 9356.5,
"tickDirection": "PlusTick",
"trdMatchID": "01476235-ad89-1777-9067-8ce6d0e29992",
"grossValue": 10688,
"homeNotional": 0.00010688,
"foreignNotional": 1
The last 3 fields are optional.
When I deserialize it in C#, I do the following:
public class Trade
public DateTime Timestamp;
public string Symbol;
public string Side;
public long Size;
public long Price;
public long? GrossValue;
public float? HomeNotional;
public float? ForeignNotional;
public class TradeContainer
public Trade[] Data;
var j = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TradeContainer>(x);
and it's all good.
In F#, I do this:
type Trade =
Timestamp : DateTime
Symbol : string
Side : string
Size : int64
Price : int64
GrossValue : int64 option
HomeNotional : float option
ForeignNotional : float option
type TradeContainer =
Data : Trade[]
let t = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TradeContainer>(x)
but it will fail. However, if I remove the option keyword, in the Trade type, then it deserializes properly.
The error I get is:
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Unexpected property 'homeNotional' found when reading union. Path 'data[0].homeNotional', line 1, position 233. at at Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.DiscriminatedUnionConverter.ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
Why the difference? but also how can I achieve this since I need to plan that some values may not be present?
The problem is in JSON.NET's implementation of DU serialization. It's not idiomatic and essentially dumps the case and fields :
type Shape =
| Rectangle of width : float * length : float
| Circle of radius : float
| Empty
let main argv =
let shape1 = Rectangle(1.3, 10.0)
let json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(shape1)
// {
// "Case": "Rectangle",
// "Fields": [
// 1.3,
// 10.0
// ]
// }
The deserializer expects the same structure.
Isaac Abraham created an idiomatic custom converter that should be used instead :
let settings = new JsonSerializerSettings()
let t = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TradeContainer>(json,settings)
's code is :
namespace Newtonsoft.Json.Converters
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
open Newtonsoft.Json
open System
type IdiomaticDuConverter() =
inherit JsonConverter()
let discriminator = "__Case"
let primitives = Set [ JsonToken.Boolean; JsonToken.Date; JsonToken.Float; JsonToken.Integer; JsonToken.Null; JsonToken.String ]
let writeValue (value:obj) (serializer:JsonSerializer, writer : JsonWriter) =
if value.GetType().IsPrimitive then writer.WriteValue value
else serializer.Serialize(writer, value)
let writeProperties (fields : obj array) (serializer:JsonSerializer, writer : JsonWriter) =
fields |> Array.iteri (fun index value ->
writer.WritePropertyName(sprintf "Item%d" index)
(serializer, writer) |> writeValue value)
let writeDiscriminator (name : string) (writer : JsonWriter) =
writer.WritePropertyName discriminator
writer.WriteValue name
override __.WriteJson(writer, value, serializer) =
let unionCases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(value.GetType())
let unionType = value.GetType()
let case, fields = FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(value, unionType)
let allCasesHaveValues = unionCases |> Seq.forall (fun c -> c.GetFields() |> Seq.length > 0)
match unionCases.Length, fields, allCasesHaveValues with
| 2, [||], false -> writer.WriteNull()
| 1, [| singleValue |], _
| 2, [| singleValue |], false -> (serializer, writer) |> writeValue singleValue
| 1, fields, _
| 2, fields, false ->
(serializer, writer) |> writeProperties fields
| _ ->
writer |> writeDiscriminator case.Name
(serializer, writer) |> writeProperties fields
override __.ReadJson(reader, destinationType, _, _) =
let parts =
if reader.TokenType <> JsonToken.StartObject then [| (JsonToken.Undefined, obj()), (reader.TokenType, reader.Value) |]
seq {
yield! reader |> Seq.unfold (fun reader ->
if reader.Read() then Some((reader.TokenType, reader.Value), reader)
else None)
|> Seq.takeWhile(fun (token, _) -> token <> JsonToken.EndObject)
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.mapi (fun id value -> id, value)
|> Seq.filter (fun (id, _) -> id % 2 = 0)
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.toArray
let values =
|> Seq.filter (fun ((_, keyValue), _) -> keyValue <> (discriminator :> obj))
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.filter (fun (valueToken, _) -> primitives.Contains valueToken)
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.toArray
let case =
let unionCases = FSharpType.GetUnionCases(destinationType)
let unionCase =
|> Seq.tryFind (fun ((_,keyValue), _) -> keyValue = (discriminator :> obj))
|> Option.map (snd >> snd)
match unionCase with
| Some case -> unionCases |> Array.find (fun f -> f.Name :> obj = case)
| None ->
// implied union case
match values with
| [| null |] -> unionCases |> Array.find(fun c -> c.GetFields().Length = 0)
| _ -> unionCases |> Array.find(fun c -> c.GetFields().Length > 0)
let values =
|> Seq.zip values
|> Seq.map (fun (value, propertyInfo) -> Convert.ChangeType(value, propertyInfo.PropertyType))
|> Seq.toArray
FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, values)
override __.CanConvert(objectType) =
FSharpType.IsUnion objectType &&
not (objectType.IsGenericType &&
typedefof<list<_>> = objectType.GetGenericTypeDefinition())