I'm using Eclipse CDT 4.5.2 with Eclipse Color Theme installed on Windows 7. The problem is that when I use the "Sublime Text 2" theme from Eclipse Color Theme the first item in content assist (Ctrl-Space menu) is unreadable like that. Is there any way I could change specifically that color without changing the overall theme?
Devstyle has Darkest Dark and Deep Black themes which really improve the dark eclipse themes. The default themes are tailored to ensure that all the colors look great. You can get from Eclipse marketplace: https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/darkest-dark-theme-devstyle
Change the color setting in "Window->Preferences->General->Color and Theme->Content Assistant foreground color", then apply it.
seems an uncorrected bug. still reproducted on eclipse : Version: 2019-06 (4.12.0) Build id: 20190614-1200 https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=483225