I am wondering how do you do constructor inject with ninject 2.0 when you have a base controller?
I have
private readonly IBaseService baseService;
public BaseController(IBaseService baseService)
this.baseService = baseService;
public class OtherController : BaseController
private readonly IOtherService otherService;
public OtherController(IOtherService otherService, IBaseService baseService)
this.otherService = otherService;
Yet I get
'BaseController' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments
You need to inject both services into your OtherController
and call the base constructor passing the service it requires:
public OtherController(IOtherService otherService, IBaseService baseService)
: base(baseService) { this.otherService = otherService; }
You'd have to chain through to the base controller, no?
public OtherController(IOtherService otherService, IBaseService baseService) : base(baseService)