Eval inside an ASP.net repeater doesn't work inside another control

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-01-06 08:13:41


I have a Reapter control with a custom server side control inside of it. When I place the code:

<%# Eval("DateAdded") %>

inside the item template of the repeater it works fine, but when I place it inside the custom server control inside the repeater, it doesn't work. Is it possible to do something like Parent.Eval() or Container.Eval() to get back to the context of the Reapeter rather than the custom control?


The repeater is databound, the control that you are placing this eval statement in isn't. You'll need to pass the value to the control using a property.

For Example:

<uc1:MyControl MyProperty='<%# Eval("DateAdded") %>' />

You can now access the MyProperty property inside your control to access this value.


It should work. Can you supply more context/code for the server control?

Also, are you using single quotes to set properties on a control dynamically using eval? Double quotes should throw an error, not just be ignored.

MyProperty='<%# Eval("DateAdded") %>'

