I would like to give a sequence of numbers to a new column to a data frame. But this sequence will repeat several times based on a value in another column. (i.e It starts from 1 until that specific value will be changed to other value).
My problem is how to define the ending point for each sequence in r.
A part of my data frame with the column "V2" which I intend to add:
V1 V2(new added column with sequential numbers)
12 1
12 2
12 3
12 4
12 5
13 1
13 2
13 3
13 4
13 5
13 6
14 1
14 2
14 3
14 4
I tried to use the following code, which was not working!
count <- table(df$V1)
c <- as.integer(names(count)[df$V1==12])
df$V2<- seq(1,c, by=1)
It sounds like you might be looking for rle
since you're interested in any time the "V1" variable changes.
Try the following:
> sequence(rle(df$V1)$lengths)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
rle is a very good solution but you could also have used ave:
tab$V2 <- ave(tab$V1, tab$V1, FUN=seq_along)
Well Ananda beats my effort:
vec = numeric(0)
for(i in unique(df$V1)){
n = length(df$V1[df$V1 == i])
vec = c(vec, 1:n)