I have a simple form with some disabled text boxes. When the user clicks on the checkbox, the textboxs are enabled.
How can i add some animation on the textboxes so that when the checkbox is checked, the boxes fade in or slide in..
<input id="addPreviousAddress" name="addPreviousAddress" type="checkbox" />
<label class="blueText boldText" for="addPreviousAddress">Add Previous Address</label>
<label>House Number</label>
<input class="requiredField" id="prevHouseNumber" size="10" Maxlength="10" disabled="" type="text" /> 
<label>Flat Number</label>
<input class="one-sixth requiredField" id="prevFlat" size="10" Maxlength="16" disabled="" type="text" />
<label>House Name</label>
<input id="prevHouseName" size="24" Maxlength="26" disabled="" type="text" />
<input class="three-fifths requiredField" id="prevStreet" size="40" Maxlength="40" disabled="" type="text" />
<input class="three-fifths" id="prevTown" size="40" Maxlength="20" disabled="" type="text" />
<input class="three-fifths" id="prevCounty" size="25" Maxlength="20" disabled="" type="text" />
<input class="requiredField" id="prevPostcode" size="10" Maxlength="8" disabled="" type="text" />
<label>Time at address</label>
<input type="text" id="prevTimeYY" size="2" Maxlength="2" disabled="" type="text" />Years    
<input type="text" id="prevTimeMM" size="2" Maxlength="2" disabled="" type="text" />Months</li>
$('#addPreviousAddress').change(function () {
$("#prevHouseNumber").prop("disabled", !$(this).is(':checked'));
$("#prevFlat").prop("disabled", !$(this).is(':checked'));
$("#prevHouseName").prop("disabled", !$(this).is(':checked'));
$("#prevStreet").prop("disabled", !$(this).is(':checked'));
$("#prevDistrict").prop("disabled", !$(this).is(':checked'));
$("#prevTown").prop("disabled", !$(this).is(':checked'));
$("#prevCounty").prop("disabled", !$(this).is(':checked'));
$("#prevPostcode").prop("disabled", !$(this).is(':checked'));
$("#prevTimeYY").prop("disabled", !$(this).is(':checked'));
$("#prevTimeMM").prop("disabled", !$(this).is(':checked'));
Here's my fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/oampz/mtsZ9/1/
Any help would be appreciated.
Try this code:
$('#addPreviousAddress').change(function () {
You can't, because they are already visible. You cannot fade in a visible object. What you can do is, instead of showing those disabled textboxes, you can hide them. Then with the checkbox click, you can fade them in like:
I am not sure if this is want you wanted, but you can try following code:
$(this).prop("disabled", !$(this).is(':checked'))