No doubt I am doing something wrong here, but I am following instructions on a new commit from here.
I am getting the following error
uninitialized constant ShopifyAPI::CustomerGroup::Customers
00:33:56 web.1 | /Users/matt/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/shopify_api-3.0.3/lib/shopify_api/resources/customer_group.rb:4:in `customers''
When running this code
group = ShopifyAPI::CustomerGroup.find(5614012)
customers = group.customers
Here is the gem file mentioned above
Version 3.0.3 should solve the problem, I'll have to look into why it isn't.
In the meantime, the following will do what you want:
group = ShopfiyAPI::CustomerGroup.find(123)
customers = group.get(:customers)