Why I cannot assign foreign key to this column?

假如想象 提交于 2020-01-06 06:54:27


I've got a main table of users

create table `users` (
`id` int (10),
`first_name` varchar (192),
`last_name` varchar (192),
`password` varchar (96),
`phone` int (10),
`email` varchar (768),
`date_created` timestamp 

then I have a table of accounts, with foreign key user_id referring to main table of users

create table `accounts` (
`id` int (10),
`user_id` int (11),
`account_number` bigint (12),
`account_type` varchar (192),
`balance` double ,
`currency` varchar (9),
`date_created` timestamp 

and at the end, I have a table of transactions, however I'm not able to assign foreign key to user ID as well

create table `transactions` (
`id` int (10),
`user_id` int (11),
`from_account_id` int (12),
`to_account_id` int (11),
`amount` double ,
`currency` varchar (9),
`timestamp` timestamp 

Whenever I try to add a foreign key to user_id from transactions table to refer to user_id in accounts, or id in users table I get same error both of the times.

Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (bank.#sql-34ec_2, CONSTRAINT #sql-34ec_2_ibfk_3 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES accounts (user_id))

How can I avoid that, what else could I do to get the proper referring of particular cells?


Truncate the all tables and than set the foreign key for this values.


Your data types might be different. 10 versus 11. Show code u are executing

