This UDF is written to replace a column's value with a variable. Python 2.7; Spark 2.2.0
import pyspark.sql.functions as func
def updateCol(col, st):
return func.expr(col).replace(func.expr(col), func.expr(st))
updateColUDF = func.udf(updateCol, StringType())
Variable L_1 to L_3 have updated columns for each row . This is how I am calling it:
updatedDF = orig_df.withColumn("L1", updateColUDF("L1", func.format_string(L_1))). \
withColumn("L2", updateColUDF("L2", func.format_string(L_2))). \
withColumn("L3", updateColUDF("L3",
withColumn("NAME", func.format_string(name)). \
withColumn("AGE", func.format_string(age)). \
select("id", "ts", "L1", "L2", "L3",
"NAME", "AGE")
The error is:
return Column(sc._jvm.functions.expr(str))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_jvm'
Tried to create a sample dataframe and then make use of the lit
function in the PySpark.
Seems to work fine, this is using the Databricks notebook
The error is because you are using pyspark functions inside a udf. It would also be very helpful to know the content of your L1, L2.. variables.
However, if I am understanding what you want to do correctly, you don't need a udf. I am assuming L1, L2 etc are constants, right? If not let me know to adjust the code accordingly. Here's an example:
from pyspark import SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, functions as F
conf = SparkConf()
spark_session = SparkSession.builder \
.config(conf=conf) \
.appName('test') \
data = [{'L1': "test", 'L2': "data"}, {'L1': "other test", 'L2': "other data"}]
df = spark_session.createDataFrame(data)
# +----------+----------+
# | L1| L2|
# +----------+----------+
# | test| data|
# |other test|other data|
# +----------+----------+
L1 = 'some other data'
updatedDF = df.withColumn(
# +---------------+----------+
# | L1| L2|
# +---------------+----------+
# |some other data| data|
# |some other data|other data|
# +---------------+----------+
# or if you need to replace the value in a more complex way
pattern = '\w+'
updatedDF = updatedDF.withColumn(
F.regexp_replace(F.col("L1"), pattern, "testing replace")
# +--------------------+----------+
# | L1| L2|
# +--------------------+----------+
# |testing replace t...| data|
# |testing replace t...|other data|
# +--------------------+----------+
# or even something more complicated:
# set L1 value to L2 column when L2 column equals to data, otherwise, just leave L2 as it is
updatedDF = df.withColumn(
F.when(F.col('L2') == 'data', L1).otherwise(F.col('L2'))
# +----------+---------------+
# | L1| L2|
# +----------+---------------+
# | test|some other data|
# |other test| other data|
# +----------+---------------+
So your example would be:
DF = orig_df.withColumn("L1", pyspark_func.lit(L_1))
Also, please make sure you have an active spark session before this point
I hope this helps.
Edit: If L1, L2 etc are lists, then one option is to create a dataframe with them and join to the initial df. We'll need indexes for the join unfortunately and since your dataframe is quite big, I don't think this is a very performant solution. We could also use broadcasts and a udf or broadcasts and join.
Here's a (suboptimal I think) example of how to do the join:
L1 = ['row 1 L1', 'row 2 L1']
L2 = ['row 1 L2', 'row 2 L2']
# create a df with indexes
to_update_df = spark_session.createDataFrame([{"row_index": i, "L1": row[0], "L2": row[1]} for i, row in enumerate(zip(L1, L2))])
# add indexes to the initial df
indexed_df = updatedDF.rdd.zipWithIndex().toDF()
# +--------------------+---+
# | _1 | _2 |
# +--------------------+---+
# | [test, some other... | 0 |
# | [other test, othe... | 1 |
# +--------------------+---+
# bring the df back to its initial form
indexed_df = indexed_df.withColumn('row_number', F.col("_2"))\
.withColumn('L1', F.col("_1").getItem('L1'))\
.withColumn('L2', F.col("_1").getItem('L2')).\
select('row_number', 'L1', 'L2')
# +----------+----------+---------------+
# |row_number| L1| L2|
# +----------+----------+---------------+
# | 0| test|some other data|
# | 1|other test| other data|
# +----------+----------+---------------+
# join with your results and keep the updated columns
final_df = indexed_df.alias('initial_data').join(to_update_df.alias('other_data'), F.col('row_index')==F.col('row_number'), how='left')
final_df = final_df.select('initial_data.row_number', 'other_data.L1', 'other_data.L2')
# +----------+--------+--------+
# |row_number| L1| L2|
# +----------+--------+--------+
# | 0|row 1 L1|row 1 L2|
# | 1|row 2 L1|row 2 L2|
# +----------+--------+--------+
This ^ can definitely be better in terms of performance.