Emberjs - how to properly modify records on a model that has been set as a property in the controller?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-05 07:49:50


My template:

    {{#each test11}}

My controller that works:

// businessmatches is a model that is set as a controller property in the router
test11: function () {
    var raw = this.get('businessmatches');

    // I want to be able to get all the records, filter them etc etc and then
    // make them available to the template

    return [

raw.content.get(0)._data feels like a hack, so I must be missing the proper way of doing this. How can I work with businessmatches records properly and make the new set available on the template?


From the router:

setupController: function(controller, model) {
    controller.set('businessmatches', this.store.all('businessmatch'));

The model:

import DS from 'ember-data';

var Businessmatch = DS.Model.extend({
    businessname: DS.attr('string'),
    type: DS.attr('string')

export default Businessmatch;


test11: function(){
  // give me all the records that have the property foo that is 11
  var bms = this.get('businessmatches').filterBy('foo', 11);
  // give me all the records that have the property bar that is 12
  bms = bms.filterBy('bar', 12);
  // other filtering etc    
  return bms; 
  // watch foo/bar on each record, if they change, recompute this computed property

