Output positions of Matlab figures

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-01-04 13:08:10


I want to show my graphical output of a Matlab program in a different pre-fixed window. So, that whenever I run the program, the output should be inside this figure. I followed a tutorial on the Matlab website and the created the figure as follows:

Until here everything is fine.

Now, when I what to show some output inside this figure with figure(1), Imshow(A), the figure size and position is automatically changed, which I do not want. I get something like this:

Now my question is: How do I show the outputs in the pre-calculated position and size?


Try displaying your images with 'InitialMagnification' set to 'fit':

>> figure(1); imshow( A, 'InitialMagnification', 'fit' );

If this does not work, you might try set 'Position' of figure after showing the image.
Alternatively, you might want to consider using imagesc with axis image to display the images.



( 0. all of the figures are already created, but without the images loaded)

  1. Save the position before loading the images, eg. like: PosFig1=get(,'Position')...
  2. Load the images etc.
  3. Set the figures to there old poistions, like: set((,'Position',PosFig1)

Of course, you could put the positions into some kind of structure, to make the code to look nicer and more flexibel and so on :)

