I have some large csv files (1.5gb each) where I need to replace specific values. The method I'm currently using is terribly slow and I'm fairly certain that there should be a way to speed this up but I'm just not experienced enough to know what I should be doing. This is my first post and I tried searching through to find something relevant but didn't come across anything. Any help would be appreciated.
My other thought would be to break the file into chunks so that I can read the entire thing into memory, do all of the replacements there and then output to a consolidated file. I tried this but the way I did it actually ended up seeming slower than my current method.
Sub Main()
Dim fName As String = "2009.csv"
Dim wrtFile As String = "2009.1.csv"
Dim lRead
Dim lwrite As String
Dim strRead As New System.IO.StreamReader(fName)
Dim strWrite As New System.IO.StreamWriter(wrtFile)
Dim bulkWrite As String
bulkWrite = ""
Do While strRead.Peek <> -1
lRead = Split(strRead.ReadLine(), ",")
If lRead(9) = "5MM+" Then lRead(9) = "5000000"
If lRead(9) = "1MM+" Then lRead(9) = "1000000"
lwrite = ""
For i = LBound(lRead) To UBound(lRead)
lwrite = lwrite & lRead(i) & ","
End Sub
You are splitting and the combining, which can take some time.
Why not just read the line of text. Then replace any occurance of "5MM+" and "1MM+" with the approiate value and then write the line.
Do While ...
s = strRead.ReadLine();
s = s.Replace("5MM+", "5000000")
s = s.Replace("1MM+", "1000000")