Is it possible to select an area inside a matplotlib's figure window to which assign the value, say, 0? For example, let's say I want to write a script that, at a certain point, shows the image inside a figure window (pyplot.imshow) and asks the user to select an area to which assign the value 0? Hope that was clear enough.
This works well. Here you have a pcolormesh
in which you can click and the onclick
function that catches the click event will handle it and set the selected square to zero. The mpl_connect
function connects the onclick
function to the button_press_event
event. You can see the update directly after the click.
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
rand_field = np.random.rand(10,10)
fig = pl.figure()
cm = pl.pcolormesh(rand_field, vmin=0, vmax=1)
def onclick(event):
indexx = int(event.xdata)
indexy = int(event.ydata)
print("Index ({0},{1}) will be set to zero".format(indexx, indexy))
rand_field[indexy, indexx] = 0.
cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)
Here you find a more advanced version that can drag a region and handles the error in case somebody clicks outside of the figure. I leave the drawing of the rectangle up to you:
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
rand_field = np.random.rand(10,10)
fig = pl.figure()
cm = pl.pcolormesh(rand_field, vmin=0, vmax=1)
x_press = None
y_press = None
def onpress(event):
global x_press, y_press
x_press = int(event.xdata) if (event.xdata != None) else None
y_press = int(event.ydata) if (event.ydata != None) else None
def onrelease(event):
global x_press, y_press
x_release = int(event.xdata) if (event.xdata != None) else None
y_release = int(event.ydata) if (event.ydata != None) else None
if (x_press != None and y_press != None and x_release != None and y_release != None):
(xs, xe) = (x_press, x_release+1) if (x_press <= x_release) else (x_release, x_press+1)
(ys, ye) = (y_press, y_release+1) if (y_press <= y_release) else (y_release, y_press+1)
print("Slice [{0}:{1},{2}:{3}] will be set to zero".format(xs, xe, ys, ye))
rand_field[ys:ye, xs:xe] = 0.
x_press = None
y_press = None
cid_press = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event' , onpress )
cid_release = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', onrelease)