List<MyModel1> myModel1 = new List<MyModel1>();
MyUserModel myUserModel = new MyUserModel();
List<MyModel2> myModel2 = new List<MyModel1>();
myModel1 = m_Service1.GetMyModelFields();
myUserModel = m_Service2.GetMyUserDetails();
myModel2 = (from myModel1Field in myModel1
select new MyModel2 { FieldCaption = myModel1Field.FieldAlias,
FieldValue = "" }).ToList<MyModel2>();
myModel1Field.FieldAlias text will be same as value of one of the Column attribute of one of the property in myUserModel. So I have to search for the column atribute(Name) in myUserModel and get the corresponding property values and assign it to 'FieldValue'. If I can't find the value in myUserModel I can set 'FieldValue' as "NA"
One way to get the column attribute(Name) value of for a property is as below when I know the Property name.
myUserModel.GetType().GetProperty("FirstName").GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute), false).Cast<System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ColumnAttribute>().Single().Name
But in my case Property name will not be known. I have to find the property based on the myModel1Field.FieldAlias value. How to go about this. Please suggest.
MyUserModel with one of it's properties
public class MyUserModel {
[Column(Name = "first_name", DbType = "varchar")]
public string FirstName { get; set; }
Now if myModel1Field.FieldAlias is 'first_name' then I have to search in MyUserModel for a property with Column attribute(Name) as first_name. If it exists i have to set it's value to 'FieldValue'. Else set 'FieldValue' as "NA".
If you want to get the value of a property and you only know the Name property of one of the ColumnAttribute attributes on it what you can do is this:
// Let's say you have the user model like so:
MyUserModel myUserModel = new MyUserModel { FirstName = "A", LastName = "B"};
// And then you want the value of the property that has the Column attribute Name "first_name"
string searchName = "first_name";
// Using some lambda you can do this (I do not know how to do this in LINQ syntax, sorry)
object propertyValue = typeof (MyUserModel).GetProperties()
.Where(p =>
var attrib = (ColumnAttribute)p
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (ColumnAttribute), false)
return (attrib != null &&
.Select(p => p.GetValue(myUserModel, null))
if(propertyValue != null)
// Do whatever you want with the string "A" here - I suggest casting it to string! :-)
Is that what you want?